Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Sarah Bennett
  • Female
  • Elsie, MI
  • United States
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  • Emily, Jace, & Maggie Devers
  • BettyAnn, Holmes & Lucy
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Sarah Bennett's Discussions

The addition of a second dog

Started this discussion. Last reply by Stacy Sep 29, 2016. 9 Replies

Good afternoon.  I've added a second dog to my household that includes just myself and my doodle, Salvador.  And I've got some questions. First some background: Salvador is 3.5yrs old, 90lbs.  Has…Continue

Could he be anxious?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Sue, Murphy and Bella ()*o*() Apr 23, 2014. 6 Replies

So, my big ol' lug of a dog is Salvador.  He is 15 months.  I have not had him in formal obedience training, though we did just start this last Monday (which was actually just question/answer day for…Continue

I've had this big ol' monster for a year now!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Sarah Bennett Mar 28, 2014. 35 Replies

So, as I've been checking out the site today, I realized that this week will be about the year mark that I've had Salvador as my very own!  He was born the end of January, but the end of March is…Continue

An update to Salvador's neuter update

Started this discussion. Last reply by Ona & Buster Jan 20, 2014. 11 Replies

So, this is really much more for me to vent than anything else...Salvador was neutered on January 10th.  On the 13th, I thought he was acting strange and had noticed that he could reach his incision…Continue

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Sarah Bennett's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
I am graduating with an MSW from Michigan State in May of 2013. I just bought my first goldendoodle, Salvador, the end of March 2013... He's a good boy, with LOTS of energy.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
I have a goldendoodle, Salvador, born January 2013.
No other pets
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
I liked their looks, researched them for a few months in the summer of 2012 and decided to purchase one for a "graduation present" for myself.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
I've had him for 2 weeks, so we're both learning each other still. He likes tennis balls and fetch.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
no one yet!
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship

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Comment Wall (8 comments)

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At 6:51am on July 9, 2013, Marnie, Stanlee's Mom said…

This training isn't in your town but she may be close.  Good Luck!

At 8:29pm on May 24, 2013, Heather and Hattye said…
Thanks for the warm welcome! We're loving her! Salvador looks a lot like hattye does. The fur on his nose is turning brown? Is that common for black doodles? Is Salvador's father or mother a black poodle?
At 7:28pm on April 16, 2013, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

Welcome! This is a great place to learn/share about doodles. There are many groups that you can join. For example, there are groups for grooming, nutrition, health/medical, types of doodles, puppy groups etc. Look at the top of your page and click on Groups - check them out. Enjoy!

At 3:16am on April 16, 2013, Sheila & Finnley said…

Welcome fellow black doodle owner ! LOL

He is beautiful. It seems like soooo long ago when my Finnley was that small.

Enjoy Salvador and take a lot of pictures. He will grow very quickly !

At 8:12pm on April 15, 2013, BettyAnn, Holmes & Lucy said…

Congratulations on your new puppy! And Welcome to DK! :)  Our puppies are close in age-- my Holmes was born Jan. 4th this year, also a black doodle. Salvadore is adorable! 

At 12:02pm on April 15, 2013, Lonnie & Libby Lu said…

Yes Sarah, puppyhood can be a challenge, but also lots of fun and in no time Salvadore will be older and you will wonder where that time went!  I see you joined Puppy Madness which is a great group with lots of information and help!  With Libby exercise was a key for us with chewing and craziness:)  

At 8:10am on April 15, 2013, Nelson, Jeanne and Annie Oakley said…

Hi Sarah,  Welcome to DK   Salvadore looks just like Annie looked at that age.  He is absolutely adorable.  Congratulations on getting your degree and choosing such a loving gift for your graduation present.    I'm originally from the Dexter/Pinckney area of Michigan however now live in Texas.  Looking forward to seeing more pictures of Salvadore.

At 7:12am on April 15, 2013, Lonnie & Libby Lu said…

Hi Sarah and welcome to Doodle Kisses!  Salvador is adorable and the picture of him is soooo cute!  Enjoy this wonderful site with great information and everyone is very helpful and supportive!  Our groups and discussions are amazing and you can join as many as you like!  Nice to have you on DK!



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