Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

BettyAnn, Holmes & Lucy
  • Female
  • Dripping Springs, TX
  • United States
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BettyAnn, Holmes & Lucy's Friends

  • Gem's Jewel
  • Janie & Sadie Mae
  • Sarah Bennett
  • Nga Phan
  • Susan Collins
  • Liz
  • Caleb Chun
  • Nelson, Jeanne and Annie Oakley
  • Tina
  • Lynn McMullin
  • LeAnn & Loki Doodle
  • Tara & Scarlet
  • Jay, Lola and Colonel Esau
  • Suzanne Newman

BettyAnn, Holmes & Lucy's Discussions

leashes: leather? webbing? cotton? hemp? cord?

Started this discussion. Last reply by deanna silver May 25, 2013. 26 Replies

Hello. I'm searching for a new leash and wondering what y'all use? Thanks!Continue

Tags: leash

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BettyAnn, Holmes & Lucy's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
I love traveling, food, yarn & my family-- not necessarily in that order :) Right now I'm totally obsessed w/ our puppy Holmes.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Yay! Finally decided on a name: Holmes.
Many other names discarded, I don't know why I let my family have a say :) Holmes is a compromise because my kids wanted to name him Sherlock and I didn't.

We got our black doodle at 7 weeks old (born Jan. 2013). Took a couple weeks to come up w/ a name.
No other pets right now.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
I've always had cats or dogs around growing up and thought I'd always have one around all the time. But then I got married & had kids and turns out my husband and half the kids are allergic to most cats & dogs! So we've had all other pets: birds, fish, hamsters, guinea pigs, frogs.... Just not the same though. Finally, after researching low-allergy dogs and even visiting/fostering dogs over the years we've got one that seems not to make anyone sneeze, get congested or watery eyes.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Still learning his personality. Can't wait to be able to take walks and play more.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
me right now- can't wait to find out what kind of fur he's going to have
Favorite Doodle Products?
still learning
Relationship Status:

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At 12:20pm on May 15, 2013, Suzanne Newman said…

Hi BettyAnn!  I just NOW saw your post to me!  I am so sorry I missed it!!  Puppy classes are certainly a HIT with her and she loves them!  This Saturday will be her last class though...  We will continue with Puppy 102 classes in the fall.  

At 7:06pm on May 3, 2013, Janie & Sadie Mae said…

Your dog is sooo cute. BTW.

At 7:05pm on May 3, 2013, Janie & Sadie Mae said…


Just gettin the hang of this site! I am in Pflugerville, but I don't mind driving. Happy belated Birthday. 

Janie Dykes

At 10:50am on April 30, 2013, Lonnie & Libby Lu said…

Happy Birthday BettyAnn!  Hope your day is wonderful and filled with love, fun, celebration and lots of Birthday Doodle kisses from Holmes:)

At 3:18am on April 30, 2013, Sheila & Finnley said…

Have a super great day !!


At 4:26pm on April 25, 2013, Lindsay & Lokelani said…

Thanks!  She is an F1 Labradoodle.  She is 11 weeks tomorrow. Looks like there is a lot to learn here. =)

At 10:23am on April 23, 2013, Colleen & Camden said…

Thanks for the welcome! Site looks fun. Holmes looks like he would great buddies with Camden :)

At 10:19am on March 26, 2013, Nga Phan said…

Thank you for the compliment for Eva. Yes, she will be 12 wks by this weekend. She only weighs 8.4 though and her vet says that's normal but I have a feeling she's underweight :-( I'm going to seek second opinion this weekend. She's supposed to be 30-35 lbs fully grown.

Holmes seems to be a lot of fun and he is handsome (it's a he right?)

At 1:18pm on March 25, 2013, Nelson, Jeanne and Annie Oakley said…

Your puppy is adorable!  He looks a lot like our Labradoodle Annie Oakley except Holmes is a bit wavier.  Annie is just one week shy of 6 months.  They grow and change so quickly!  She doesn't look much at all like she did when we got her.  She was 17 weeks then (she's a rescue and had to have some health issues fixed before being released from her foster home.)  She sure keeps us laughing as it seems your puppy must.   Can't wait to see how/if your puppy changes over the coming weeks. 

At 6:38pm on March 21, 2013, Sheila & Finnley said…
Hi again ~ Yes Finnley is a standard doodle. She will be 11 months old on April 1st and now weighs about 70 pounds.
When she tries to get into your lap, YOU definitely know it !  So if Holmes is of the standard variety, look out !
All the love, coming at you in a really big package !
Atlanta to Texas, whew, way to hot for this Northern girl ! I am not close to Irondequoit. That is about 5 hours away from where I am. I am farther up on the map. An hour from Montreal Quebec, and about 40 minutes from Lake Placid N.Y. where they had the 1980 winter Olympics. It's beautiful here, but certainly not the hottest area. It is often snowing right into May many years.
Well keep those pictures of that beautiful black puppy coming. I love looking at them !

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BettyAnn, Holmes & Lucy's Blog

If I keep still & quiet maybe I can stay....

Posted on April 15, 2013 at 7:59pm 12 Comments

Tonight, Holmes (14 weeks old) tried to hide out in my bathroom :)

This morning my allergy medicine knocked me out and I took a nap in my bedroom while Holmes took a nap in my bathroom. He's never napped in there w/out me before and I guess he enjoyed it. So tonight, after going potty, he runs straight into my dark room instead of going into his…


Remember the Alamo... doesn't allow dogs.

Posted on March 30, 2013 at 9:17pm 10 Comments

I've had family in town this week so I've had to tone my doodle obsession waaaaaay down because they are not dog people. Don't get me wrong, they like Holmes alright, but they're just not into him like I am, of course! So I'm not constantly talking about my doodle even though he is constantly on my mind and I'm not here on DK because I'm busy playing hostess and we're out sight seeing.

Today we took a day trip to San Antonio. It was the first time for any of us to go there and we…


Such a good doggy day

Posted on March 19, 2013 at 8:00pm 6 Comments

Today was such a good day with Holmes :) He had no accidents, which is huge for me! As much as I love him already, I sure was tired of cleaning up after him inside the house. Plus I was getting frustrated as well, thinking 'when is this dog gonna be potty trained already!?'

Yesterday was not a good day- he was SO mouthy and I felt like he had regressed on that. He drew blood, just a tiny, tiny bit, but it was from my husband who is just starting to like him. So that wasn't good.…



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