Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Tana Rae Buckley
  • Female
  • glendive, MT
  • United States Minor Outlying Islands
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  • Kemp Rader

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Tana Rae Buckley's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
Mother of 4 adult kids with 15 grandchildren! Work as a CPOA for 20years.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Golden Doodle
2year old Sophi also have 1 cat Mazie Mae
Cockatiel- Bodie
2 aquariums 1 29 gal saltwater and a 20gal freshwater
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
Wanted a med to large dog. Less shedding.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Play fetch. Hang out. go for walks! She keeps me moving pretty fast!
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Mostly me. She has had 4 professional clip.
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Comment Wall (11 comments)

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At 1:09pm on April 18, 2012, Ann Kendig said…

At 8:05am on April 18, 2012, Julie, Izzie & Max said…

At 6:29am on April 18, 2012, Christine & Shelby said…

Happy Birthday!!!!  We hope you have a fantastic day full of fun and celebration with family, friends and of course.... Doodles!

Christine & Shelby

At 5:00am on April 18, 2012, Kemp Rader said…

We just want to wish you a very Happy Birthday!

Kemp, Ripley, Shiloh, Oliver & Truman

At 5:25pm on January 23, 2012, Susan and Sasha said…

Welcome To DoodleKisses Tana...

It's a great place to learn about Doodles and to meet new friends...

Be sure to look at the groups and join what you like best!

We're so glad you joined the DK family!   Enjoy...

At 5:55am on January 12, 2012, Ann Kendig said…

At 2:02pm on January 11, 2012, Ozzy Bob and Leanna said…

At 4:51pm on January 8, 2012, Amy, Cubbie & Ollie said…

At 6:56am on January 8, 2012, Christine & Shelby said…

Welcome to Doodle Kisses!!!   We hope you find this site fun and informative just like we do.  Take some time to look around, read the blogs, join some groups and make some friends.  This is a great community that really comes together in our love of Doodles!

Christine & Shelby

At 4:21pm on January 7, 2012, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

This is a great place to share about doodles. There are many groups that you can join. For example, there are groups for grooming, nutrition, health/medical, types of doodles, puppy groups etc. Look at the top of your page and click on Groups - check them out. Enjoy!
Ned and Clancy winter house



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