Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Christine & Shelby
  • Female
  • College Station, TX
  • United States
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Christine & Shelby's Friends

  • Divyangna and Chai
  • Hilary Seif
  • Cassie Keel
  • Lynn McMullin
  • Jay, Lola and Colonel Esau
  • Star and Goldie
  • Stefan
  • Laura Bogar
  • Steve S.
  • Ellie and Cooper
  • Jeanne Oslund & Murphy
  • Jo-Ann Leinwand
  • Lauren and Hank
  • Mary Jo Truax
  • Jenna & Cider

Christine & Shelby's Discussions

1st Long trip with my doodle.... A few questions

Started this discussion. Last reply by Linda, Charlie Brown and Beau Feb 9, 2014. 22 Replies

My Shelby and I will be taking a trip next month - we will be driving from Texas to Indiana (2 days of driving), staying 4 days in Indiana and then driving back to Texas. We previously took a trip to…Continue

Doodle Service Dog meets Pluto!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Stephanie and Ragley Mar 1, 2015. 4 Replies

Saw this very cute video on Facebook yesterday... thought I would share.  It's pretty sweet and the crowd seems to be enjoying the encounter as well.…Continue

Thoughts on low fat & highly digestible diets?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Joyce (Casey & Cody's mom) Nov 3, 2013. 11 Replies

Shelby's got some poop issues... it's been quite a while, probably about a year since I've had to take her to the vet for poop problems, but it's been a couple of weeks and it's just not getting…Continue

Tags: soft, stool, diet, digestible, fat

The HDA Trophy has arrived in College Station, Texas!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Christine & Shelby Jul 4, 2012. 37 Replies

What an exciting day it has been!   When I got home from work, I found a package on our doorstep... Shelby and I went outside to check it out.  Shelby knew right away that this was no oridnary…Continue

Tags: Trophy, HDA


Christine & Shelby's Page!

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PitaPata Dog tickers

Profile Information

About Me:
First time dog owner and loving every minute of it!
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
I have a beautiful red (now more apricot) multigeneration Australian Labradoodle named Shelby! She is amazing, smart, loving and SO cute!
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
I am allergic to dogs and through research heard about Labradoodles being allergy friendly with a wonderful temperment. After visiting the breeder and 5 of her Labradoodles with no allergic reaction... I decided this was the breed for me!
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Shelby and I love to go for walks, go to the dog park, have play dates with our doggie friends, go shopping at dog friendly stores, play fetch, go to school (training classes), hikes in the woods and cuddle!
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Waggie Pet Zone for the big stuff.... Me for the day to day stuff :o)
Favorite Doodle Products?
Today: Shelby says my sqeeky rubber basketball toy (a silly cheap $.99 toy)! Christine says.... Bully Sticks - Keeps Shelby occupied for a while :o)
Relationship Status:
Would you be willing to Dog Sit on occasion for other DoodleKisses members? (You are NOT committing to anything by saying yes - you are just saying you might be willing to do this if you were acquainted with the other member and the circumstances were right.)

Christine & Shelby's Videos

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Comment Wall (281 comments)

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At 2:05pm on December 14, 2015, Lori, Daphne, Lucy & Pippa said…

Christine, OMD! I just LOVE your Joy Christmas card!!! I can really appreciate the effort that went into it. So precious!!!

At 5:04pm on December 24, 2014, Laurie, Fudge, and Vern said…

Christine, Your Believe card was just perfect. Shelby looks great on the front and the action shot on the back is excellent. Shelby looks like a fun dog. I hope you have a Merry Christmas!!

At 3:25pm on December 22, 2014, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

I LOVE your card.  I truly believe there IS magic at this time of year.  I love the way your card has a serious side - and a very playful side. Have a wonderful Christmas.

At 8:29pm on November 8, 2014, Rae said…
Hi! I'm so glad you joined the 2014 Holiday Card Exchange Group. Would you please go into the group and then to the Discussion ADDRESSES GO HERE and enter your address so I can get you on the mailing list. Thanks so much.

At 5:17am on December 19, 2013, Lonnie & Libby Lu said…

Christine, your card is absolutely adorable and the "Merry & Bright" is soooo cute! Great pictures of Shelby both front and back:)   Enjoy the Season and have a great New Year!

At 2:04pm on December 17, 2013, Laurie, Fudge, and Vern said…

OMD-Loved your Holiday card. I can't even show Fudge or she would be so jealous of Shelby :) What a cute idea!! Have a wonderful Christmas!

At 9:12pm on December 14, 2013, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

I got your card today. In the picture, it looks like Shelby got her presents already!  Merry Christmas.

At 7:18pm on March 4, 2013, Laura Bogar said…

Heidi has been doing good! This weekend however she got really sick and kept throwing up so i took her to the emergency vet...They did not figure out what was wrong but she was treated and released. She seems to feeling better now. She was sad she had to miss daycare today :( How is Shelby?? Id love to meet up with yall for a romp soon!

At 6:20am on February 22, 2013, Laura Bogar said…
When is the new dog park in Bryan opening?? I'm very excited. They do not have a pond or anything right? This is actually a good thing If they don't because Heidi can no longer go to the university dog park because she gets sick from drinking the water :( I have been taking her to the steeplechase dog park but she also drinks the water from the drainage area... I'm afraid she will get sick from that one day. I hope we can meet up at the new park and have a doodle play date :)
At 11:09am on February 3, 2013, Star and Goldie said…

Thanks Christine!!! It sounds like I will be able to relate to your past experiences for sure! It's nice to know someone is there to provide insight. I am a single mom not just to a doodle but also to my 2 year old daughter and my 10 year old golden retriever so working full time absolutely poses some challenges for time management! Searching for answers is so time consuming. It's nice when someone reaches out to be a direct contact if need be. Thanks for the incredibly warm welcome!



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