Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

lesley knotts
  • Female
  • Henderson, NV
  • United States
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Lesley knotts's Friends

  • Bob Ketelle
  • Jan Willis
  • Chloe, Finley & Mama Shelley
  • Vicki, Jeff & Nutmeg
  • Mama Bjorn
  • Linda and "Toby"
  • Sherri Lecky
  • Denice Caouette
  • Eva
  • Sandi, Jeff & Mickey
  • GBK
  • Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle

lesley knotts's Groups

lesley knotts's Discussions

Sleeping habits

Started this discussion. Last reply by Bonnie and Kona Jan 18, 2011. 21 Replies

Does anyone else have a doodlebug that thinks the bed belongs to them.  She looks so at peace with her head on the pillow I hate to move her.  I tried giving her her own bed on the floor but she ate…Continue

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Profile Information

What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
I have one labradoodle named killy and a Golden named Lucy. The doodlebug loves to play with anything that moves!
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
She found us!!!!
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
We love to play soccer....she is a professional!
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Lulus in Green Valley
Favorite Doodle Products?
Blueberry mask for her beard! She is my bearded lady!
Relationship Status:

Comment Wall (22 comments)

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At 4:24pm on September 12, 2014, Eva said…

We are going to do the swim tomorrow afternoon at 3 if you can join us, Eva

At 6:38am on December 15, 2012, Bob Ketelle said…

Sorry for the slow reply. Yes, Jughead loves the ladies. Four legs or two...:-) What time do you usually take your doodles to the Dog Fanciers. I am usually way over in Sun City Summerlin on weekends, but Jughead and a pitbull named Elvis don't get along at the Police Memorial Park on that side of town and I think someplace different might be in order.

At 1:18pm on October 2, 2011, Ann Kendig said…
At 5:03am on October 2, 2011, Kemp Rader said…
We just want to wish you a very Happy Birthday!

Kemp, Ripley, Shiloh, Oliver & Truman
At 10:47pm on February 5, 2011, Sherri Lecky said…
Sounds good -  we went to church tonight, so we're good for the morning!  
At 11:28am on February 5, 2011, Sherri Lecky said…
Ginger and Rosie had fun with Killy and Lucy today!  They came home, ate, and are now crashed out on the couch!  Looking forward to another play day!!
At 10:47pm on February 4, 2011, Sherri Lecky said…
Hi Lesley!   Yep... we'll probably go over to Dog Fancier's at around 9 or 9:30 -and stay for a while!   They need their run!   I swear they know it's Friday night!!  They stay close by me, like... don't forget about us tomorrow!!  Hope to see you and your girls.
At 7:20am on January 29, 2011, GBK said…
For the meet ups, it just depends who is free what weekend and they will post.  Looks like a few will meet up Sunday at Bark Park in Heritage Park located in Henderson.
At 8:51am on January 21, 2011, GBK said…

Sorry Lesley, that would be on Sunday at 12:00.  Check out the group page for who is coming and for any changes.


At 8:49am on January 21, 2011, GBK said…

Looks like a few people are meetin up at Bark Park in Henderson around 12:00 :)

Here is the link to the Park they will be meeting at:


Hope to meet you guys soon :)



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