Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

meg & ANNIE
  • Female
  • Midlothian, VA
  • United States
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Meg & ANNIE's Friends

  • Lynne
  • Angela
  • Joy Williams
  • Amy Lane
  • Noble Vestal Labradoodles
  • Belinda Stevens

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Profile Information

What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
FOX CREEK FARM mini goldendoodle, lab/mix, 2 horses, 2 cats
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
because I love goldens and poodles!!!
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
cuddling, walking, just staring at her and thinking how incredibly adorable she is.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
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Comment Wall (28 comments)

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At 12:27pm on July 8, 2009, Belinda Stevens said…
Hello GRAD member,
We have a new and exciting event coming July 26th, from 1-4 to celebrate our recent jump to 100 members!
We will be having a BBQ/Picnic and a lake for the doodles to go swimming at The Dude Ranch in Glen Allen. Please check out the discussion on the group page entitled "Party Time" and respond there if you plan to attend so I can get a doodle head count for the facility.
Thanks and hope to see you there!
At 7:20am on April 6, 2009, Belinda Stevens said…
Hello again GRAD member! Just sending out a reminder that our next gathering will be at the Easter Parade on Monument Ave. We will be meeting at Jaime's house at 1 pm. Check out the discussion on the group page for more details and hope to see you there!
At 4:47pm on March 8, 2009, Belinda Stevens said…
Hey there GRAD member,
This is a reminder that the Spring Romp is next weekend March 15th at 1pm. The make-up date in case of bad weather is the following Sunday. We have some great news, our newest member Charnell told me her daughter Amy, is launching a canine therapeutic massage business and she has volunteered to provide some freebie massages to the GRAD group at the romp. Also as I stated in the e-mail message we will be having a few contest. Inspired by Strange's Dog days in the garden, the best sit/stay, the owner/doodle look-a-like, and the best dressed for St. Patty's day contests. Please respond in the discussion on the group page if you will be attending and please let me know if you are new to the group, are attending and would like your GRAD bandana for your doodle.
Thanks and hope to see you there!
At 4:37am on February 11, 2009, Belinda Stevens said…

Now that I have your attention...don't forget to tag one of your photos with "GRAD" for the group slide show.
Happy Valentine's Day!
At 9:47am on February 9, 2009, Karen & Lucy said…
Thanks Meg for your comments on my Lucy. Your Annie is a real cutie too. We are glad to have you here, it is such a fun place to be. Love your pics.
At 6:04pm on February 8, 2009, Karen & Lucy said…
Valentine Lucy
Personalized Glitter Graphics

At 9:59am on February 7, 2009, Lynne said…
Yes, I also see so much of Annie in Fletcher. The other "cutie" is my nephew's Peek-a-Poo. She's just a year old and a little spit fire. Good thing she is so darn cute.
Fletcher is on a prescription diet from the vet. WDR Science Diet. I had blood work done on him to see if he had a thyroid problem because he disliked eating and I could not imagine why he was gaining weight. No thyroid problem, thank goodness. So they changed his food and he also stopped throwing up all the time. I felt terrible because he was on an anti-spasmodic pill for his stomach. Turns out he has food allergies and he loves to eat now. He eats a 1 1/2 cups twice a day. He loves it. He will ask me to eat everyday at 4pm. The downfall is that the high fiber causes him to poop up to 4-5 times a day. But to not have him throwing up is a great trade off. Fletcher is definitely a bigger bone also. Many people think he is a standard, or they mistake him for a Wheaton. The food he is on also has bone treats and he can have two of them a day. I fill in with his food/kibble for the other times he "needs" a treat. He gets one or two kibbles. He's an aggresive chewer so I give him those soup bones I get from a local pet store. I find that most doodles are strong chewers. They are filled with beef or cheese. He has lots and lots of them. He is not a huge fan of those nylabones, although occassionally he plays with them. The food he gets is a bit pricey. About $40 a month, but it is working for him so I really don't mind.
At 9:18am on February 7, 2009, Deb, Connor & Simon said…
We will miss you and beautiful Annie today, but we try to do sometype of monthly get together! Belinda does a great job keeping everyone up to date on things. :-) Enjoy this gorgeous weather!
Connor & Deb
At 7:38am on February 7, 2009, Lynne said…
Hi ! Fletcher has settled in at 50lbs. Was up to 60 !! He is now on a high fiber diet. His coat is curly/wavy. He is quite laid back and sometimes just plain lazy. Although, he loves this cold weather and all the snow.
At 9:45pm on February 6, 2009, Deb, Connor & Simon said…
Hi Meg...welcome to you & Annie! This just must be the best group on DK..LOL..the way our member numbers keep growing! I hope you and Annie will be able to join us tmrw (2/07) in Carytown. It will be great fun! Connor sends woofs and wags to Annie! :-)


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