Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Joy Williams
  • 72, Female
  • Chesterfield, VA
  • United States
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Joy Williams's Friends

  • Leita Hagemann
  • Charlotte
  • Seamus & Haidee
  • Val,Cooper and Bently
  • Gayle Dalton-Smith
  • Whitney Weiant
  • Lorena Centurion
  • David Dillard
  • KimKlassen
  • Linda, Charlie Brown and Beau
  • Junie M
  • Camille and Doodles
  • Tammy Pfaffenberger
  • Sherri, Sophie, Winston, & Kitty
  • Janet Jackson

Joy Williams's Discussions

Slimy Saliva!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Joy Williams Nov 10, 2011. 16 Replies

Pine Sap

Started this discussion. Last reply by Joy Williams Aug 14, 2011. 24 Replies

Morgan gave us quite a scare today...

Started this discussion. Last reply by Leslie and Halas Sep 4, 2010. 22 Replies


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Comment Wall (282 comments)

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At 8:58am on May 20, 2014, Leita Hagemann said…

Hey Joy - we live in Enfield... or did and are planning to again. My boyfriend works in Springfield so we try to live within 15 minutes of there while staying in CT 

At 11:28am on May 1, 2014, Leita Hagemann said…

Thank you so much for directing me to the richmond group - i hadn't seen that one yet. If you ever move back we should connect although we are moving to CT in a year or two. 

At 1:03pm on April 10, 2013, Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom said…

Thank you Joy.  We are actually all enjoying a little R&R in Florida at the beach right now.  Lucy is traveling solo for the first time so she is a little more shy than normal but she is doing ok.  Loves her walks on the beach! 

At 10:30am on January 12, 2013, Lonnie & Libby Lu said…

Happy Birthday Joy!   Have a great, great day with lots of fun, celebrating and oodles of Doodle Birthday kisses:)

At 6:28am on January 12, 2013, Laurie, Fudge, and Vern said…

At 6:21pm on November 11, 2012, Deb, Connor & Simon said…

Sorry you couldn't get by. Maybe we can get some doodles together for a Christmas walk at Stony Point next month. :-) Would be great to see everyone.

At 3:51pm on May 24, 2012, Whitney Weiant said…

Hi Joy, 

I got my little guy from Old Mill Doodles in Staunton, VA. I recently went to pick him out but only get to bring him home in 2 weeks. I can't wait!

At 3:26am on April 6, 2012, Jean, Rylee and Cooper said…

Hi Joy,

You'll have to let me know how it works out with the book.  I have thought about getting one also.  When you spoke about shooting on manual, I do shoot on manual all the time now.  I learned from reading magazines and talking to people.  I do use the metering dial all the time to set the shutter speed to where it should be.  So I sometimes feel like that is cheating.  I have learned things from switching lenses also, using a faster lens with the F1.4 stop etc.  I still feel there is so much to learn. 

Let me know how it goes!  

At 4:03pm on April 3, 2012, David Dillard said…

Beautiful dogs. Gabe is now 15 months old and 79lbs. But who cuts yours. We keep having bad luck and he gets shaved. We take him to Rockwood Park alot to play with other dogs besides my Papillons

Love Canon Cameras. I have xti and T2i, close up, wide angle, macro and telephone lens. My favorite is my 200 - 400 L lens, but have 70 - 300 also.

At 5:11pm on April 1, 2012, Jean, Rylee and Cooper said…

Also, your doodles are adorable.  Great photos of them.

Latest Activity

Joy Williams replied to Joy Williams's discussion What to Feed to Gain Weight in the group The Food Group
"I will try to sneak some into Maddie’s bowl, but I can’t let Morgan find out about it!!"
Jul 13, 2019
Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle replied to Joy Williams's discussion What to Feed to Gain Weight in the group The Food Group
"If they can tolerate it, a little peanut butter is also a good way to put on some weight. 100 calories in one tablespoon! "
Jul 13, 2019
Joy Williams replied to Joy Williams's discussion What to Feed to Gain Weight in the group The Food Group
"Thanks Karen for all your help. I knew this was the best place to come for answers!!"
Jul 13, 2019
J and Riley (and Luna) replied to Joy Williams's discussion What to Feed to Gain Weight in the group The Food Group
"Riley hasn't shown any signs of allergies so far, I was just curious in case she developed symptoms.  I think I still have a giant bottle of EPO anyway if it hasn't expired."
Jul 13, 2019
Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle replied to Joy Williams's discussion What to Feed to Gain Weight in the group The Food Group
"Yes, human softgels are safe for dogs. JD also took human EPO capsules. The human fish oil softgels are also safe for dogs, but a few years back, my vet tolds me the fish oil made for dogs was better. Not sure if that's true, or if it's…"
Jul 13, 2019
J and Riley (and Luna) replied to Joy Williams's discussion What to Feed to Gain Weight in the group The Food Group
"Are human softgels usually safe for dogs?  I remember I used to give Luna human EPO capsules. I take these myself: although…"
Jul 13, 2019
Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle replied to Joy Williams's discussion What to Feed to Gain Weight in the group The Food Group
"Some vets sell fish oil supplements. Pet supply stores do too. I wish I had a brand I could recommend but it's been awhile since I researched that. What you want is something with only Omega 3 fatty acids from fish, specifically DHA and EPA.…"
Jul 13, 2019
Joy Williams replied to Joy Williams's discussion What to Feed to Gain Weight in the group The Food Group
"OK, thanks Karen. Sounds like  I need to have 2 different menus, one for each of them as Morgan has an enlarged heart, so I was concentrating more on her than Maddie.  Where is the best place to find fish oil supplements? This is a lot of…"
Jul 13, 2019

Profile Information

What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
We have 2 Golden Doodles - Morgan and Maddie and one cat named Casey
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
We had always wanted a Golden Retriever, but not crazy about all the stories about how much they shed. So the Golden Doodles seemed perfect - and they are!
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Sloppy Kisses Dog Grooming Spa
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