Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Pam and Ginger Snap
  • Female
  • Alexandria, VA
  • United States
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Pam and Ginger Snap's Friends

  • Michelle and Bella
  • Allison
  • Jess & Stewart
  • Carolyn and Ruby
  • Nella Krone
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  • Rose Ann and Amante
  • Rachel and Ollie
  • M Sordyl
  • Pam & Trixie
  • Jen, Lachlan, and Declan
  • Karina
  • Sherri, Sophie, Winston, & Kitty
  • Jennifer and Jack

Pam and Ginger Snap's Discussions

Been gone for YEARS

Started this discussion. Last reply by Terri and Harley Apr 4, 2016. 11 Replies

I have been away from this site for years :(  I am happy to see that all of my favorite humans and tail waggers are still here!!Ginger is still as cute as ever and she owns even more of my heart ( if…Continue


Started this discussion. Last reply by Jennifer,Chloe & Myla Nov 18, 2013. 17 Replies

Hey All,Ginger has done this 3 times bagels that HUBBY left out, and hid them around the house...behind a pillow, corner of chair....there are tooth marks on them, but NOT eating…Continue

Just saying Hi

Started this discussion. Last reply by Bonnie and Kona Mar 20, 2013. 5 Replies

Hi allI haven't been on in ages, so I thought i would pop in and say hello...ginger is doing fine and she gets sweeter each day!Hope all here are well...I plan on spending more time here...i won;t be…Continue

I would like to thank everyone

Started this discussion. Last reply by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle Oct 27, 2012. 20 Replies

for cutest pictures on the new slide show.  The costumes are cute, funny and each one made me smile.Thanks for the grins,PamContinue

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Pam and Ginger Snap's Page

Profile Information

What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
FIB female born 10/17/2010 Ginger
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
My sister has two doos and I thought they were the cutest dog ever!
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Olde Town School for Dogs
Relationship Status:

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Comment Wall (39 comments)

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At 6:05am on October 7, 2012, Kathy Janes said…

by the way, Ginger Snap is adorable and I love the name too!  I'm kind of partial to the reds, but probably because Mater is such an awsome guy and photographs so well!

At 6:03am on October 7, 2012, Kathy Janes said…

Hi Pam,

You asked if I knew Pippins breeder.  I wish I did!  He is the perfect size, the perfect termperament and all around a perfect dog!  And he was a rescue from a shelter in Cookesville TN where I think he was picked up as a stray, but I don't recall for sure.  I found him and with DRC's help we got him from the shelter and transported him to my house for fostering - and I couldn't bear to part with him!  He fit in like it was his only true family and was here to stay.  He's my foster failure, but everyone loves him.  If only we knew where he came from, there might be more like him!!

At 2:18pm on August 19, 2012, Jess & Stewart said…

I'm curious where you got Ginger. I love her look, I'm surprised that she is an F1B and is wavy! I'm hoping for an F1B that doesn't get to be too curly. Has she gone through a coat change at all or does she still look like her pictures?
At 9:40am on August 9, 2012, Carol and Banjo said…

Hi Pam!   I see you mentioned you got Ginger Snap from breeder in WV.   Was in Liberty Pines Doodles by any chance?    That is where we got Banjo.

At 7:56am on March 18, 2012, Ann Kendig said…

Happy Belated Birthday!!  So sorry we missed it!  We hope you had a wonderful day!! : )

At 6:57pm on March 11, 2012, Tina, Clover, Plus 5 More said…

At 3:47pm on March 11, 2012, Julie, Izzie & Max said…

At 7:08am on March 11, 2012, Laurie, Fudge, and Vern said…

At 6:48am on June 7, 2011, Linda and "Toby" said…
Your little Ginger is so ADORABLE! I look forward to seeing more pics of her. :)
At 4:54am on May 26, 2011, Laurie, Fudge, and Vern said…
Hey Pam, I just tried to take Fudge to the Assisted Living Facility when she was younger, but she was never scared of the people. Vern is a whole different story. He would pee all over everywhere. Fudge, who can be a stinker when we walk, etc., just seems to do well with people. Even I was surprised at how well she did :)


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