Stanley likes to lie down to eat breakfast and dinner. There is a photo on my page of him doing it when he was about 4 months old. I have never had a dog do this before. I was wondering if this is a doodle thing or a Stanley thing. Does anyone else have a dog who does this?
Hey that is a great idea. Stella only started to lay down after we started to use the "slow down" bowl. I think she just figured out how to get it faster by getting a better angle on it.
Abby has done this since we got her. She gets a mouthful of food, drops it on the floor..lays down and eats one piece at a time. It seems like it takes forever for her to eat 3/4 cup of food. My grandchildren's GD now takes a mouthful of her food and drops it for Abby.
Permalink Reply by GBK on September 22, 2008 at 10:52am
Kona lays down to eat, and has done it since we brought her home. From her first days she was a little protective of her really good treats, and will still go over and steal Buddy's if he get's up to get a drink. She will lay on one as she chews on hers, little brat! She will let me take anything away from her including her food, and let me return Buddy's treats to him, but he is very nonconfrontational and will not take a treat of his back himself unless she is far enough away from it. He is such a good boy :)
Our Doodle lies down to eat, not always but often. She is not in the least concerned if we or another dog/cat approaches the bowl at all, and will just wait until either the other dog/cat is done or we give her the dish back. No indication of aggression at all. It seems to just be laziness.