Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Has anyone heard that it is making dogs sick? My doodles have been throwing up and the only thing I have added to there diet was Chicken Jerky I bought a bag at Costcos.I was reading on the internet that I should not buy it if it was made in China that some dogs have gotten very sick. I am not going to give them any more because it did say on the package it was made in China. Better to be safe than sorry.

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I feed the same chicken jerky to my pups, I have not had an issue.....yet? hmmm
Yes! I hate to be the "bearer of bad news" but we actually lost a puppy due to these chicken tenders!
If you will notice on my "Back Porch Labradoodle Family" group picture, you will see me holding a bag of chicken tenders and my dogs all swarming around...well, the bigger dogs got sick from eating them and the smaller dogs (puppies) were quite literally deathly ill. We had one puppy, around 8 weeks of age, happy, playful, healthy...we fed chicken tenders often because they are "only pure chicken" and several of our dogs got very sick (vomiting and loose stools) but this one became lethargic almost within hours and would not even stand. I rushed her to the vet who said that she was very sick...they had me take her to the emergency vet hospital two hours away. When we arrived I expected that they would charge me a lot but make her well. They told me she was very sick and they could not promise she would make it through the night! This was all in a matter of 12 hours! She was gone by morning.
She had full renal function failure...this is a common thing with toxic foods. (The vets say that they don't know what has caused it...they speculate on a lot of things) We knew it was the chicken tenders...and shortly after she died, I remembered that I bought them at Walmart and the sales clerk had said, "Hmmm, I though they recalled these." Well, thinking that he was talking about the food recall, I felt that he must be mistaken...he was, after all, quite young.
Later, long after she died, I read that Walmart did recall these tenders and them placed them back on the shelves! It was at that time that I poisoned my baby!
Please...stop feeding those and get rid of them!
Go to the vet...your dogs will need renal function checks, antibiotics and fluids...they will recover if you get there in time.
I never feed anything that was not made in the USA, but the lables are very tricky...they hide the fact that products are made in China...if not certain, don't feed the food/ isn't worth it!
I'll be praying for your dogs...please let me know how they are.
Everyone...please read about is soooo important and very dangerous...don't trust any person who laughs it off...they have not lost beloved pets to this ultimate greed!
I just threw them away. Came back to the cmp and saw your post I am sooo glad I did.
I wonder why it's not a total recall? You would think it would be. I should say "should be"
Read this about Chicken Tenders/ is heartbreaking! Following her story, is a response to my letter to her...I think that you should know this...(To learn more, go to this link:


I will never forget February 13, 2006, the day that my husband and I had been anticipating for weeks. We were about to pick up our new little puppy. Never in my wildest dreams did I know what an impact this little puppy would have on our lives.

My husband of 37 years and I have never really been dog people. We had always been cat people, probably because we had three children and dogs just always seemed to be too much work.

It seemed as we grew comfortable living as empty nesters, we found ourselves doing things that we never dreamed we would ever do. We became country music fans. That was so surprising to me because I never liked it before, and now that was all we listened to.

But getting a dog, that was huge. As we researched the subject, we both decided that we didn’t want a big dog. The idea of a small dog scared me. I have never liked yappy, hyper, little dogs.

That’s when we discovered the King Charles Cavalier breed. They were exactly what my husband and I wanted in a dog. A dog that would love to cuddle on the couch with you. Since we worked from our home, it was perfect that they wanted to be with their owners all the time, and the fact that they weren’t yappy and hyper won both of us over to the breed, and I don’t have to mention that they are cuter than a button.

As my husband and I arrived at the breeders, we were so excited, not knowing what to expect, but looking forward to the adventure. The moment came when I could hold our new little Lacie in my arms. What a perfect name that was for her. She was from Atlanta, Georgia and she was a true southern belle, as feminine as can be.

Those first few weeks were filled with so much joy. When she ran after a ball or toward us for a treat, she wouldn’t run like a normal puppy. No, little Lacie would prance. We snuggled on the couch with her in front of the fire and watched our favorite t.v. show’s. It was so fulfilling. I just loved how she snuggled up to me, as close as she could get.

Being volunteer church counselors for 16 years and leading a marriage ministry, I was shocked at how we handled bedtime with our little Lacie. You see, we had always advised against having children sleeping in bed with their parents, but here we were Daddy and Mommy in our king size bed with, our little baby Lacie in between us. We both loved it.

Lacie’s favorite thing to do in life was going bye-bye. Her favorite places were Irvine Spectrum and Fashion Island where everyone who passed by, had to stop and pet her and tell her how pretty she was. There was the occasional time when a passerby would fail to stop and praise her. Upon that happening, she would whip her head around and look at them as if she were saying, “Wait. Didn’t you see how beautiful I am?”

She was a true princess and would act it out by sitting on any pillow she could find, looking very royal and stately, looking at Daddy or Mommy with her beautiful, big, brown eyes, inviting us to bow to her beauty and majesty, or at least to pet her and tell her how much we adored her.

My husband and I loved her so much, but it seemed that no matter how much we loved her, we could never match the love that she gave us. In fact, Lacie gave love to everyone in her presence.

In June we picked up her new sister who was a tri-colored ten week old King Charles cavalier who had different parents, but came from the same breeder. We named our new little girl, Misty. Misty is so adorable. She is so different from Lacie. She is a bit of a tomboy. She will trollop after a ball, will burp whenever needed and in bed with us at night, she will wrap her neck tightly around her Daddy or Mommies
Oh my!!
So many dogs! I had no idea! I am going to post in myspace about this. People just do not know about Chicken Jerky. I did not until I joined Doodle Kiss TODAY!!
Thanks, Jordan! I think it is so important that people know. I had no idea...and I, very literally, poisioned my puppies!
Please do continue to spread the word!
So sorry for your loss, and thank you SOoo much for the warning to all of us!
OMG there was a recall on these !! and ty Jacque for posting!
I am glad you aren't giving them anymore to your dogs! why not just give your dog natural treats like: boiled chicken cut into strips, pineapple, or 1/4in slice of sweet potato, or teaspoon of cottage cheese or yogurt, or tiny handful of shredded cheese

it's safe and healthy :)
I would take your dog to the vet immediatley.

We too got Chicken Jerkey at Costco. We took it back after reading the posts and they refunded our money. They said they were not notified of a recall.
We are still getting Chicken Jerkey treats from China but we have an extensive nutritional monthly report from the source. We have been very picky about the food that Cayenne eats and have found a local, privately owned pet store that is very holistic and has done extensive research.
The jerkey is from Vitality and they are a small food maker in China.
I have been buying dehydrated chicken breasts from Sam's club and Biff has never gotten sick off of these.
So on Saturday we were at BJ's and we saw a bag of these chicken fillets. We bought them thinking that they were a good natural treat and would give Yoda something different to chew on. We gave him the first one on Saturday night and he inhaled it. Literally the thing was gone in about 10 seconds and there is no way he chewed it. We were worried about him eating it whole and didn't give him one yesterday. Today when I got home from work my bf told me that we could NOT give him those treats anymore. Apparently he gave him one and about an hour later he became violently ill. He has been fine since then. I hopped on here and searched for a discussion about the chicken jerky and found this one. I've looked at some other things on the internet and will be throwing that bag away immediately. I don't know if the chicken could have affected him that quickly or if it was something else, but I won't be taking that chance!



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