Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Mariner was asleep on the couch next to me - in the usual doodle position - on his back. All of the sudden he did a little bark and feet started moving. We thought oh sh#t here comes a seizure. He then was not moving - I couldn't get him to wake up. I finally lifted him up and put him on the floor. He quickly woke and was totally oriented. He went to his water bowl and when that was empty he went to Shayna's. I guess he was just dreaming and was in a deep sleep. If it was either of the other two we woukd not have thought anything of it. We just over think and worry alot when it comes to Mariner. He is fine.

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Oh, I'm glad he's fine!!! And I totally understand about worrying a lot over your special needs guy...I don't remember worrying as much about my kids when they were little as I worry about Jack!
Oh thank goodness, I was expecting the worst.
If he was my dog, I would react the same way. You cant be to careful.
Does he take daily meds for the seizures?
Mariner is a brave soul, who has even braver parents.
Yes - He is on Phenobarb
OMGoodness, that is a scare. I would of been petrified. Dear Mariner, he has a place in soooooooo many of our hearts. So glad he is fine.
Whew... so glad to hear Mariner is fine. I know that must have been a terrible scare!
Oh my gosh!! I lost a dog as a child from was terrible. Thank goodness he is okay!!

Deep sleeper I guess?? Whew!
What a scare, Andy. I'm so glad Mariner did not have a seizure. You and your family have done so well with him. He couldn't have a better home!
Prior to our doodles, we had two cocker spaniels and one of them, Chewy, had seizures and was on phenobarb his whole life. I know how painful it is to see them go through that so I can totally sympathize with you. I'm glad Mariner is ok!
While we have had Mariner he has only had 1 grand mal seizure. It was very scary. Fortunately while it was happening we were able to talk to our vet (midnight). He talked us through it. I don't know what we would have done if we weren't able to talk to the vet.

(Besides having a regular vet practice he also works as an emergency vet. He has been an emergency vet for over 15 years.)
How nice that the vet was there for you. We have a wonderful vet as well and that is always a comfort.

With Chewy's seizures, he would suddenly get really stiff, yelp a little, fall over, and would lay there, stiff as a board, and shake for what seemed like a really long time. All we could do was lay there with him and pet him and tell him it was ok. He'd finally start to come out of it but always seemed shaken up for a long time afterwards. Thankfully, we were able to manage the seizures pretty well with the phenobarb.
What a scare that must have been. So glad to hear Mariner is ok.
PHEW! Glad everything was okay =)



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