Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

AndySharon BoomerShaynaMariner
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AndySharon BoomerShaynaMariner's Friends

  • ginny
  • Dr Karen Hoving
  • Sarah Bakker
  • Nicole
  • Jeri
  • PAtti
  • Yana Ryklansky
  • Patricia Sneddon
  • Debi Carreon
  • Joann Valerio
  • Sally M
  • Diane Herman
  • Lorilei Pinley
  • Kammy & Phoebe

AndySharon BoomerShaynaMariner's Discussions

Long time member - haven’t posted for awhile

Started this discussion. Last reply by Lori, Daphne, Lucy & Pippa Feb 19, 2019. 4 Replies

Tributes to Boomer from Sharon and Sami (Daughter) (from December 3)

Started this discussion. Last reply by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie Dec 15, 2018. 5 Replies

We said goodbye to Boomer

Started this discussion. Last reply by Kathy and Ruby Skye Dec 6, 2018. 17 Replies


Andy & Sharon (Boomer, Shayna & Mariner)

Latest Activity

AndySharon BoomerShaynaMariner replied to Nancy's discussion Oliver had a seizure
"I have replied in the "seizure" group."
Jul 31, 2019
AndySharon BoomerShaynaMariner replied to Nancy's discussion New to the Group - Oliver had a seizure in the group Seizure Disorders and Epilepsy
"Nancy at this point it really is a wait and see.  Hopefully it is the only seizure he will have. I would prepare what I used to refer to as the "seizure" kit.  An ice pack (frozen peas actually work well) and plain vanilla ice…"
Jul 31, 2019
Nancy joined AndySharon BoomerShaynaMariner's group

Seizure Disorders and Epilepsy

This group is for information on dogs with seizure and related disorders.See More
Jul 25, 2019
Nellie's Mom joined AndySharon BoomerShaynaMariner's group

Health and Medical Issues (for our pets)

This group is a place to discuss any and all health and medical issues related to our pets. We can have in depth discussions here. All discussions on Seizures are now in their own group. See More
Jul 15, 2019
Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle commented on AndySharon BoomerShaynaMariner's group Health and Medical Issues (for our pets)
"Thank you so much for this information, Lori! It helps a lot.At this point, do you know if Visbiome is available anywhere else besides through the manufacturer?"
Jul 10, 2019
Lori, Winnie, Bob and Indie commented on AndySharon BoomerShaynaMariner's group Health and Medical Issues (for our pets)
"If it helps at all, I did a lot of research regarding VSL3 and Visbiome last year before the lawsuit went to trial. I was just looking to see if I could find a product that was a little less expensive than VSL3 for my Bob. :-) I compared the…"
Jul 9, 2019
Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle commented on AndySharon BoomerShaynaMariner's group Health and Medical Issues (for our pets)
"That's what I have to look into, Nancy. I have to find info from an independent source telling me that Visbiome is the same as VSL#3. OR...I have to look at a package of Visbiome and compare it to the info on the VSL#3 bottle I still have."
Jul 9, 2019
Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie commented on AndySharon BoomerShaynaMariner's group Health and Medical Issues (for our pets)
"My brain hurts reading this confusing stuff.  I read the first letter way back when but the other articles are new to me...... So ------what product do we ask for at CVS et al?   I still have some VSL#3 so don't currently have a…"
Jul 9, 2019
Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle commented on AndySharon BoomerShaynaMariner's group Health and Medical Issues (for our pets)
"I would be so upset about this if JD were still with me. As it is, now I'm going to have to find accurate information on this Visbiome that doesn;t come from either of these warring former partners. :( "
Jul 9, 2019
Bonnie and Kona commented on AndySharon BoomerShaynaMariner's group Health and Medical Issues (for our pets)
"Thank you Karen. "
Jul 9, 2019
Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle commented on AndySharon BoomerShaynaMariner's group Health and Medical Issues (for our pets)
Jul 9, 2019
Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle commented on AndySharon BoomerShaynaMariner's group Health and Medical Issues (for our pets)
Jul 9, 2019
Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle commented on AndySharon BoomerShaynaMariner's group Health and Medical Issues (for our pets)
"Hmmm...I'm finding conflicting info. The ex-business partner had sued them and apparently won. I'm seeing articles stating that the product is now sold as Visbiome and there is no more…"
Jul 9, 2019
Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle commented on AndySharon BoomerShaynaMariner's group Health and Medical Issues (for our pets)
"I haven't needed to buy it since Jack died, but I always got it at CVS. "
Jul 9, 2019
Bonnie and Kona commented on AndySharon BoomerShaynaMariner's group Health and Medical Issues (for our pets)
"Karen, I used to give my daughter VSL#3. I haven’t been able to get it for months. Can you still find it? Costco used to carry it and I used to be able to order it on Amazon."
Jul 9, 2019
Jolene, Sassparilla & Josie commented on AndySharon BoomerShaynaMariner's group Health and Medical Issues (for our pets)
"Thank you, I have Amazon prime so usually get things next day but your right it's always good to have on hand especially when we are traveling and away from home. The dogs first aid box is twice the size of ours. lol  "
Jul 9, 2019
Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle commented on AndySharon BoomerShaynaMariner's group Health and Medical Issues (for our pets)
"VSL#3 doesn't have an expiration date, so I thought that might be true of Proviable as well."
Jul 9, 2019
F, Calla & Luca commented on AndySharon BoomerShaynaMariner's group Health and Medical Issues (for our pets)
"Just about everything has an expiration date nowadays whether it’s meaningful or not. I ignore many of them. Pay attention to them if you take aspirin, digitalis or antibiotics!"
Jul 9, 2019
Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle commented on AndySharon BoomerShaynaMariner's group Health and Medical Issues (for our pets)
"I would re-order it, just to be on the safe side. I don't think it has an expiration date, and even if it does, with 3 dogs, you're bound to use them before they expire. Better safe than sorry. If she's been off it for several…"
Jul 9, 2019
Jolene, Sassparilla & Josie commented on AndySharon BoomerShaynaMariner's group Health and Medical Issues (for our pets)
"Karen, quick question.  Maisie has been on the probiotic you recommended when we first brought her home back on October.  We ran out and I am wondering if she's good now or if it should be part of her daily intake from here on? …"
Jul 9, 2019

Profile Information

What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Mariner F1b GD 7/11/2007 - 10/18/2017 (about 80#) Male
Shayna F1b GD 10/21/2006 (about 40#) Female
Boomer F1b GD 10/28/2005 - 12/3/2018(about 70#) Male
Corey F1 Sheepadoodle 9/24/2018 Male
Boomer and Mariner are biological brothers. Mariner fractured his skull @ 7 weeks old, causing blindness and a seizure disorder. As a puppy he had to relearn everything, walking, eating, peeing, etc. Mariner has gradually regained much of his eyesight. He has not had a seizure in over 4 years (as of 12/25/14), since his medication was changed to potassium bromide
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
Temperment and allergies
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Relationship Status:

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AndySharon BoomerShaynaMariner's Blog

Comment Wall (112 comments)

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At 4:11pm on December 13, 2018, Lynda Kamrath said…

Welcome to the Sheepadoodle group.  I have not been around recently, but we have just about finished our second year in Oregon.  MonaChica is doing great and here is a recent photo of her.  Today we went walking at Taylor Creek (one of our favorite bike ride and dog walk areas) to look at the fire damage.  It is amazing.  But, spring is coming in the not too distant future.undefined

At 7:23pm on January 2, 2017, Dr Karen Hoving said…

Thanks for being my first friend on doodle kisses! Thanks for all your advice!


At 5:37pm on January 25, 2016, Sally M said…
Sharon, just a quick note to let you know how heartsick I am about Boomer. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Sally
At 10:01am on January 23, 2016, Lauren Otero said…
Thanks for the friend request! Toby was diagnosed with oral melanoma in March 2015. He began receiving ONCEPT vaccines in April and so far, the cancer hasn't spread to his lymph nodes or lungs. I believe that Toby received 4 vaccines and then booster shots. Beginning April of this year, he will only need booster shots every 6 months. So far, ONCEPT has cost us over $10,000. We have pet insurance, so they pay about 60% of the total cost. Our oncologist also wanted Toby to take chemotherapy medication, but it was too expensive for us. How is Boomer doing?
At 6:54pm on December 19, 2015, Sally M said…
Hi! Happy Holidays!
At 6:27am on December 26, 2013, Toni Clayton said…

Thank you for the friend request.

At 4:16pm on December 5, 2013, Judy Gordon said…
Thank you for tying the friend request, and for tying the Tail Injury posts together.
I'm glad to have a community of Doodle Lovers to share the joy and sometimes pain of loving and living with these wonderful creatures.
At 3:04pm on November 14, 2013, Joe and Gordy said…

Thanks for the friend request. Much appreciated.

At 7:36am on September 19, 2013, Lynda Kamrath said…

Yes, beef tendons and beef tracheas are good use of animal by-products and I like that idea.  Just got another package of bully sticks for my dogs and they get 20 minutes a day (takes them three days) to chew them.  Outside only!  Then I put them in a zip-lock bag and store until the next day.  I also don't use rawhide because I could see problems with that but my vet said she has never taken a rawhide out of a dog's stomach and she has surgically removed all kinds of things.  Agrees that bullysticks are a good use of animal byproducts.

At 2:08pm on August 22, 2013, Julie Taylor said…
Thanks for doodle friend request.. We get our doodle puppy in a matter of weeks.. So exciting!!!


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