Call it out as the picture appears. Play it with friends!
But doodle lovers... this is an exhibition, NOT a competition. Please, NO wagering.
Adina and I play this all the time. And although she doesn't want to take credit for the creation of this wildly popular game, we all know who the doodle genius around our household is. She's humble like that.
What can I say...we hang out with a 19 month old all the time =) She once pointed at a group of guys playing basketball, one not wearing a shirt, and shouted "boobies!"
I think I might fit into your household. I send my nephew Wiener dog cards for every occasion. Why, you ask....because it drives him nuts and makes me laugh :) Now, go to bed before you go into labor. I am not sure if you are laughing at the tiny remark or the Wiener slideshow...hahaha!