Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Jane Smith
  • Female
  • Marana, AZ
  • United States
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Jane Smith's Discussions

Mirco Chips relocate--PLEASE READ

Started this discussion. Last reply by Stella Jul 8, 2013. 14 Replies

Food for thought:   Several months ago we found a little chihuahua.  I took it to the vet to see if he was chipped, and they scanned along his neck and part of his back and said he wasn't chipped. …Continue

Trying to locate my girl's siblings

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jane Smith Jun 3, 2013. 6 Replies

I don't know anything about the breeders because I later learned that they most likely came from puppy mills.  Huge lesson learned.  I thought I would try by location and date of birth.  Lucy is from…Continue

Goldendoodle Christmas Ornaments.

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jane Smith Nov 21, 2012. 3 Replies

I have been all over cyberspace, and can't seem to find any really cute ones. When I do find them they only come in one color. Aren't they popular enough now that people make these more available,…Continue

email notifications

Started this discussion. Last reply by Sherri, Sophie, Winston, & Kitty May 26, 2012. 62 Replies

Can anyone explain why in the last hour i started getting notifications for every new discussion started? I dont want these and have always had it set up to NOT receive them So why now and what do i…Continue

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Profile Information

About Me:
I am a legal assistant for a family law attorney. I have been married for 27 years and I have 3 wonderful daughters. It will still be awhile before I have grandchildren, so I decided on doodles to tie me over.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
I have two F1B standard goldendoodles. Lucy O'Ball will be 4 in May and she is apricot in color. Ethel Mae Muttz will be 3 in July and she is white. They are the best therapy anyone could ask for.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
I have bad allergies, so when I found out that I could finally have a large dog that didn't shed, I was all over it.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
We love taking them camping, playing in the yard and going on hikes. At home I could just sit and pet them for hours.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
The grooming manager at Petco.
Relationship Status:
Would you be willing to Dog Sit on occasion for other DoodleKisses members? (You are NOT committing to anything by saying yes - you are just saying you might be willing to do this if you were acquainted with the other member and the circumstances were right.)

Comment Wall (60 comments)

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At 6:04pm on July 19, 2014, Lonnie & Libby Lu said…

Happy Birthday to Ethel!  Hope she has a great day with lots of treats and love!

At 5:07pm on June 3, 2013, Adrienne said…

Beautiful Doodles.  I hope that you are able to find some of their siblings.

At 11:12am on January 18, 2013, Lonnie & Libby Lu said…

Happy Birthday Jane!  Have a great day with lots of fun, celebrations, and big Doodle kisses from Lucy O'Ball and Mae Muntz!

At 5:46pm on February 23, 2012, Laurie, Fudge, and Vern said…

Jane, Have you had a chance yet to pick the caption contest winner and get the contest back on track?? Thanks!

At 10:57am on February 10, 2012, Jennifer,Chloe & Myla said…

There you are Jane?? Are you still sleeping in that shirt???

At 2:23pm on January 18, 2012, Lisa, Daisy & Dexter said…

Happy Birthday Jane, hope you have a great day and you don't have to cook!

At 2:13pm on January 18, 2012, Doris, Knox & Flash said…

Happy Birthday, Jane!  I hope you are having a great day!! 

At 6:44am on January 18, 2012, Christine & Shelby said…

Happy Birthday!!!!  We hope you have a fantastic day full of fun and celebration with family, friends and of course.... Doodles!

Christine & Shelby

At 5:10pm on January 17, 2012, Susan and Sasha said…

Sasha and I send wishes for A Very Happy Birthday!

We hope it's filled with Laughter and Love and it the best one yet...

At 2:54pm on January 17, 2012, Kemp Rader said…

We just want to wish you a very Happy Birthday!

Kemp, Ripley, Shiloh, Oliver & Truman

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