Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My Husband and I have recently moved into our house and were having a discussion about where we would put our Christmas tree. Then we got to the subject of the Doods and how they would react to Christmas decorations, etc. Since this is our first Christmas with "the Girls", I was wondering how some of you have fared with your pups during the holidays with decorations on the tree, etc. I just have these horrors of walking in and finding the tree laying on its side and decorations all over the room.
I also appreciate any tips you may have!!

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We have a fake tree, the dogs leave it alone.It the Cats who mess it at our house. If the cats get an bulb down the dogs will take it away and play. They always take what ever the cats are playing with.
Jordan did eat a bulb her 1st X-mas.I only found out after it came out the other end.
I do have a funny story with Payton. When he was 2 we brought him to my Father In-laws. They had a live tree. Payton walked in lifted his leg. Luckily he missed the presents. It was very funny.Thank Goodness they are dog people.
Ha!! Too Funny! I guess since I have always had females, I never really even thought about something like that! Good thing he missed the presents!! All the cats I have had over the years have all loved the tree. Some have climbed it and looked out thru the branches and some have played with the ornaments that are hanging on the tree until they came off, then, they were theirs! But I just have a sneaking suspicion that these girls are just gonna have a more ways than one!
Samson was 3 months old last Christmas. We have a fake tree. I put only non-breakable ornaments on the tree. He would snag ornaments off the tree and pull the tree skirt out all the time. I didn't put presents under it until the last minute and gave up on the tree skirt. We watched him like a hawk. I have pictures of him taking ornaments off the tree and of the cat laying in the branches. That was part of my problem. The dog would bounce and bark at the cat when he saw it climb up into the tree. It is a pretty stable tree. It shook, but never came down. Of course, we never put the electric train around the bottom. Good luck!
We have 12 dogs living in our home and solved our Christmas issues by decorating an outside tree with treats for the birds. When the birds feed, the tree becomes a colorful Christmas tree of life.
We also used the x-pen last year and it was worries for anyone. The pen was taken down when company came by and then right back up. Only took a couple of minutes. We'll probably try it without the pen in the beginning this year BUT the pen will go up if we are not going to be home (our girls have the run of the house with dog doors to go out). Good Luck. Let us know what you decide.



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