Halas seems to pick up on every little thing. He lets out a Woof to let me know that something is different. A couple of weeks ago, a neighbor had his car backed partway out of the garage. Well, it isn't usually like that, so Halas woofed at it. Last week, I gave in and turned on the furnace. I had a dry cleaning bag hanging in the bathroom right over the vent. When the furnace kicked on, it filled up the bag with air and puffed it way out. Halas barked at it until I came to investigate and remove the bag. A couple of days ago, he caught sight of the white line in the sky that jets leave behind. He gave a tiny woof, and just stared at it for the longest time. He'd walk to different spots, but kept his eye on that stripe in the sky. Just now, I shut off the light in my room. It's a ceiling fan, so I normally just shut the light off and let the fan run. Well, just now, I shut both of them off, and the fan has stopped. Halas is standing right outside my room barking at the still fan blades, because he's always seen them in motion. He's almost 14 months old, but it seems like there are still so many things happening to him for the first time. Anyone else notice this behavior with their doods?