Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Started this discussion. Last reply by Barb, Murphy, Emmet, & Hudson Oct 8, 2012. 52 Replies 0 Favorites
Started this discussion. Last reply by Adina P Sep 8, 2011. 4 Replies 0 Favorites
Started this discussion. Last reply by dawne elaine eig Sep 28, 2012. 9 Replies 0 Favorites
Posted on April 16, 2010 at 7:18pm 10 Comments 0 Favorites
It's official tomorrow Hudson turns 1. I have to ask myself where did the time go? I remember his first day with us like it was yesterday. We were so excited waiting for his plane to land so we could finally meet him. He was just as cute as his pictures we had received and I remember thinking his color was a lot darker chocolate in person=) Hudson always followed me around wherever I went right from the get go, I'd have to say more so then my other two doodles when they were puppies. I felt…
ContinuePosted on April 14, 2010 at 8:15pm 11 Comments 0 Favorites
I had read previous posts on here about the Tug-a-Jug, so I knew i didn't want the rope tug-a-jug. So I ordered the tug-a-jug from a online site that showed a picture of the rubber tug-a-jug (i think it is rubber). To my disappointment when i opened the box there was the rope tug-a-jug. Do I send the rope one back and keep searching for the rubber one? Which one holds up better, and where would i find a place that sells the rubber one? I read on here that someone suggested so when…
ContinuePosted on September 3, 2009 at 3:58pm 6 Comments 0 Favorites
Posted on August 15, 2009 at 6:14pm 6 Comments 0 Favorites
Posted on August 7, 2009 at 5:48pm 2 Comments 0 Favorites
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Hi Barb I haven't been on the board for a while and was happy to see that you were still here. If you remember me, I have KoKo who's mom is Emma. I wanted to ask if your doodle has any allergies. KoKo has developed some but we are still trying to figure out what she is allergic to. She continually develops yeast infections in her ears and has had to have them flushed three times already. She is now on prescription food so we can clear her system and then start her up on one food at a time til we figure out what it is. Have you had any problems with your doodles? I thought since they come from the same lineage perhaps I could find a clue. Other than the allergy KoKo is a sweet but mischievous dog. She is sleeping at my feet as I type this. Thanks Dot
Happy Birthday Barb!! We miss you. Give me a call sometime!!
Happy Birthday ! Hope you have a great day!
Happy Birthday!!!! We hope you have a fantastic day full of fun and celebration with family, friends and of course.... Doodles!
Christine & Shelby
Happy Birthday!
We just want to wish you a very Happy Birthday!
Kemp, Ripley, Shiloh, Oliver & Truman
Thinking of you! : )
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