originally, we had a groomer trim Holly but, the job was pretty choppy and Judy has taken over the trimming. Judy has been grooming our Maltese for over 20-years, so the Doodle grooming is pretty easy for her. She usually has Holly stranding on a grooming table for the all over trim but, sits down with her for the little touch ups that are frequently needed.
By the way, Jusy also cuts my hair!
What a sweetheart that Holly is! Rosco didn't like grooming as a pup. Not sure when it changed exactly...but I do know that now he comes to me when he sees a brush, comb, or his nail dremel =) I think he truly enjoys being brushed now, especially on his head. And since I got the Chris Christensen brush he doesn't mind his legs brushed. The hard part is his tangly beard.
Holly impressed the groomer and he asked us how we trained her to stay still for the grooming as young as she was (about 5 months). We admitted that we never consciously trained her. She is a really mellow pooch.
Only slight problem is that she is very tickelish around her backfeet.
Judy uses the same brushes as she uses on the Maltese. Of course, now that we are not showing any of them anymore - they all have shortish haircuts.
He hardest dog for Judy to trim was a Portuguese Water Dog.