Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Richard Crowe
  • Male
  • Escondido, CA
  • United States
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Richard Crowe's Friends

  • Jay, Lola and Colonel Esau
  • Judy Clark
  • Amy M. and Molly
  • Tom, Sydney, Hailey and Bailey!
  • Joanna, Zoe & Bender
  • PJ and Zach
  • Sharee & "Hope" Peterson
  • Dos Doodles--Sam & Luke
  • Laurie Mc Loughlin
  • Debby Bee
  • Sherri, Sophie, Winston, & Kitty
  • Sarah, Bruno & Dudley
  • Lisa, Daisy & Dexter
  • Diana Erhart
  • Shelby and Kev

Richard Crowe's Discussions

My New Air Fryer

Started this discussion. Last reply by Amy and Annabelle Jul 15, 2017. 10 Replies

Wanted Adult Doodle in Southern California...

Started this discussion. Last reply by Maryann,Roo and Tigger Oct 31, 2016. 2 Replies

Good deal on a safety item...

Started this discussion. Last reply by Helen May 13, 2015. 2 Replies

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Richard Crowe added a discussion to the group Photography Group

Photographing one of the oldest Canon DSLR Cameras for eBay

The Canon D60, as far as I can figure out, was the third DSLR. and second APSC sensor DSLR, introduced by Canon. The first was the APSC D30 which was introduced in 2000 and was followed by the APSH sensor 1D which was introduced in late 2001. The D30 was replaced by the D60 in 2002. The D30 and D60 DSLR cameras should not be confused with the later 30D and 60D cameras which were introduced a lot later in the…See More
Aug 3, 2019
Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie commented on Richard Crowe's blog post Lab and Mini Doodle
"I couldn't find the video, Richard. I hope you can re-load it for us to enjoy."
Jun 28, 2019
Laurie, Fudge, and Vern commented on Richard Crowe's blog post Lab and Mini Doodle
" I clicked on the link and it said video wasn't there. Vern has developed ear infections, too. What a pain for a dog who likes to swim. I feel for Holly."
Jun 23, 2019
Richard Crowe posted a blog post

Lab and Mini Doodle

Shadow is my daughter's 14-year old Labrador.  The Lab acted as a surrogate mom to our Goldendoodle, Holly, when Holly was a puppy,  Here is a YouTube video that my wife did with Shadow and her younger brother, Duke the Mini-Goldendoodle playing in our pool... was not allowed to join in because she has been developing ear infections when swimming...See More
Jun 21, 2019
Richard Crowe replied to F, Calla & Luca's discussion Photos of Dogs in the group Photography Group
"Since we cannot absolutely verify his parentage - we are assuming that he is a mini doodle of some type.  He had just been groomed and my wife let him out to go potty before I shot the images.  He immediately began to dig somewhere in the…"
Jun 16, 2019
Richard Crowe replied to F, Calla & Luca's discussion Photos of Dogs in the group Photography Group
"My daughter's rescue: Duke the Mini-Doodle..."
Jun 15, 2019
Richard Crowe added a discussion to the group Photography Group

ANIMAL EYE AUTO FOCUS - Best thing since sliced bread!

Sony has just released the firmware upgrade 2,0 for their recently released A6400 APSC Mirrorless Camera.  This introduced Full Time Animal Eye-AF to this camera.  A recent firmware update for their A7iii Mirrorless camera also brought Full Time Animal Eye-AF to that camera.I just love the Animal Eye AF...  Do I ABSOLUTELY NEED IT?  Heck no but, it does make my dog portraiture easier and faster and it does a great job.The…See More
Jun 15, 2019
Richard Crowe replied to F, Calla & Luca's discussion April Assignment Early Spring in the group Photography Group
"How about this one..."
Apr 29, 2019

Profile Information

About Me:
My wife, Judy and I, are retired. I spent 30 years in the Navy and worked in non-profit organizations after my Naval Career. Judy is a retired community college nursing professor. We are also retired from raising pure-bred Maltese and now we spend our time rescuing homeless Maltese and finding them furever homes. We also dabble in Doodle rescue. We live just north of Escondido, CA on a fenced acre and a quarter.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Holly is an F-1 Goldendoodle. She was born in Texas at Cheyenne Valley Labradoodles and Goldendoodles kennel just north of Dallas.
Holly is a darling girl and is very smart. Of course she would be; she is a doodle, isn't she?
Holly has completed basic and intermediate obedience and a Therapy Dog Prep class.
We have a nice pool and Holly loves it. She was afraid at first but, will now jump in the pool and venture off the pool steps to swim around a bit. It took a while and some patience but, Holly has conquered her fear of the pool. She also loves to romp in the lawn sprinklers and jump for a stream of water from a garden hose. Holly also likes snow but, as a Southern California Doodle, has had only limited experience with the white stuff.
Holly lives with four Maltese buddies whom she dearly loves. Holly's best big-dog buddy is Shadow, our daughter's 3 year old English Labrador. These two young dogs are the best of buddies and will play until they are both exhausted.
We are heavily involved in Maltese Rescue and Judy is the Vice President of the Maltese Rescue California which is a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to finding furever homes for homeless Maltese, Maltese Mix an other small dogs. We always have upwards of 3-4 rescue Maltese in our home at any time and had 5-litters of Maltese rescue puppies at our home in 2010. in the first year of existence, Maltese Rescue California rescued and saved over 270 dogs. We are also occasionally foster Doodles for Doodle Rescue Collective, Inc.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
We had a Golden Retriever - German Shepherd cross that we loved very much. When she passed away from cancer; we wanted another big dog. We also wanted a dog who would not shed quite as much, who was intelligent and whose personality would fit in with our lifestyle and our little dogs. Holly is a jewel and we are so happy that we got her. Holly receives more attention from strangers than any dog we ever had (and that encompases a lot of dogs). People stop their cars to ask what breed she is and strangers just can't get over how calm and well mannered she is. She is just about a perfect dog but, she was quite a rambunctious puppy. A good leson from Holly is that a family must have patience when they get a puppy. You cannot expect a puppy to have the manners of an adult dog.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Playing and walking especially where there are lots of people. Holly thinks everyone is there just to see her. Holly does very little fetching and but, really enjoys our pool.
Holly is a great lap dog and at 55 pounds, she thinks that she is the size of a Maltese.
We love just watching Holly. She is a big beautiful Doodle who is sometimes a funny clown.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
We finally found a great groomer who will groom Holly every couple of months. Judy will do the interim grooming.
Favorite Doodle Products?
Anything legitimate for Holly to chew especially vanilla ears from Any sturdy toy with a squeeker is great for her.
She absolutely loves squeek toys, but they need to be sturdy bacause she has powerful jaws.
Relationship Status:
Do you have a website of your own? If so, share it here:
Would you be willing to Dog Sit on occasion for other DoodleKisses members? (You are NOT committing to anything by saying yes - you are just saying you might be willing to do this if you were acquainted with the other member and the circumstances were right.)

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Richard Crowe's Blog

Lab and Mini Doodle

Posted on June 9, 2019 at 11:03am 2 Comments

Shadow is my daughter's 14-year old Labrador.  The Lab acted as a surrogate mom to our Goldendoodle, Holly, when Holly was a puppy,  Here is a YouTube video that my wife did with Shadow and her younger brother, Duke the Mini-Goldendoodle playing in our pool...

Holly was not allowed to join in because she has been developing ear…


Powerful Story

Posted on December 24, 2018 at 9:00am 1 Comment

Sad but heartwarming story... Toby is a young Cocker Spaniel + Poodle mix who lost his leg as it was shattered beyond repair when Toby was hit by a car. Toby was our foster and we found a wonderful home for him...

Toby's mom has trained him as a therapy dog and they visit our local Children's Hospital as well as working with the Wounded Warrior Foundation.

His mom recounted that…


Feeding an orphan puppy...

Posted on August 19, 2018 at 11:46am 5 Comments

We are fostering a Maltese puppy who came to us from the San Diego Humane Society at seven days old.

The Humane Society provided us with the milk replacement that they use.  It is excellent and surpasses any previous milk replacer we have used.  

Of course, mom's milk is the best!  However, there are times when a lactating mom is not available.  The…


Second Opinion

Posted on August 10, 2018 at 12:50pm 9 Comments

Hopefully this post will find all of you in good health! However, if any of my friends on DK have any serious health problems and/or are contemplating serious (and possibly life changing) surgery, I strongly recommend that you get a second medical opinion before proceeding with that plan of care.

I had serious back problems. My back hurt me so badly that I could not sit up, I had to eat my meals lying down and a car ride was excruciating in the pain that it caused me.

The first…


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At 9:24am on August 4, 2016, Lori, Daphne, Lucy & Pippa said…

Richard, I realize this dog is in FL but I thought maybe you might know some Maltese groups that might help. This little dog has a broken pelvis and because the person who found her could not afford it, they sent her home with the dog instead of keeping her there and out of pain.

At 6:09pm on November 22, 2015, Lori, Daphne, Lucy & Pippa said…

Did Pepsi & Cola find a home?

At 9:15am on December 10, 2014, Jessica Robinson said…

I wish you didn't live so far away so I could help find them homes!  We run a rescue here in Tuscaloosa, AL!

At 10:43am on November 17, 2013, cheryl & oliver said…

richard how does one go about adopting one of your sweet rescues?  I would love to have a friend for my Oliver, he is a big golden doodle, but loves the little dogs, better then big dogs. His beat friend is a 2 lb. little poodle..Would like to know how one goes about doing this..Thanks, Cheryl

At 8:10am on August 10, 2013, Lynda Kamrath said…

I am just amazed at your work (photography and rescue).  I could look all day at your photos.  Wish you were just a little closer.  I would love to meet you in person and talk, talk, talk.

At 8:06pm on April 20, 2013, Lynda Kamrath said…

I know you are political and would find this interesting.  I saw this video on Facebook yesterday and went back today to see it again and send to some friends and it was GONE.  A friend, however, copied down the address and could share with me.  Funny how quickly something like this can disappear.                  Take a look!

At 2:18pm on September 8, 2012, Amy M. and Molly said…

Hi Richard!  I am still navigating this site slowly and finally getting back to you.  Would love to get Holly and Molly together sometime as well! Your picture of Holly with the litter of puppies is just adorable.  How old is Holly? And did you get her locally?  My email address is  Molly has had a bout of gastroenteritis this last week or so and is still on antibiotics, but once that clears up maybe we could meet for a romp!  Amy

At 7:25pm on August 21, 2012, Andrew Bliss said…

Thank you for the nice comment about the litter picture.  We know the breeders very well and it sounds like almost all the puppies are going to people that are close to them.  Hopefully all of the puppies and new owners will have years of happiness ahead of them.  We are looking forward to this Sunday when we take ours home with us.

At 5:09pm on May 26, 2012, Chloe, Finley & Mama Shelley said…

Your Holly is beautiful, and I wanted to mention that I have a sweet little "grand doggie named Tinkerbell and she is a Maltese, i just love her to pieces!

At 5:00pm on May 21, 2012, Joanne ~ Spud* said…

Hi Richard,

Need some info or a lead in WI area.  One of my adopters of a foster a few years back just lost her Maltese of 17 years and has begun to search for another.  Any ideas on WI?



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