Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Anyone use creative biodegradable methods or the doggy dooley? -- you can click on its photo below to read more about it.

Clark was planning to, at one point, create our own doggy dooley using the product above and "Macgyvering" it to fit MORE...but we haven't done it yet.

So as of now we shovel into a small but tall wastebasket lined with a strong plastic bag and every 2 weeks drop it in our main trash to be picked up the next day.

I'd like to teach the dogs to use an outhouse ... but don't think that's highly probable ;-)

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I have read comments about this product on other forums - My understanding is that after a while it get's clogged up and that you have to keep putting in the enzymes.

We pick up the lawn every couple days - putting waste in plastic bags (doubled) and then putting them in the garbage - our garbage gets picked up weekly.
Oh yeah...enzyme use is supposed to continue for ever... otherwise there is nothing to "digest" the waste. Before we put in a lawn Clark would dig a big hole in a far spot and we'd bury the waste. But that obviously can't work forever without having NO lawn. Even at that point, though(without enzymes), nothing ever overflowed or caused problems. It was just ugly :-p
We made our own dooley system, and it works great!
I'd love to hear more about it!
My husband made it.........he dug a hole big enough to fit a 5 gallon bucket w/lid, cut the bottom out of the bucket, then placed bucket in hole and filled in around it. He says he only puts enzymes in every so often. I leave all the clean up to him ;)
Hmm...that's what I'm worried about...that I might have to share in some of this clean up business ;-)
That's actually almost exactly what Clark was going to do...with a few extra details of drilling holes in the bucket/plastic trashcan for extra drainage and adding in some river rock too.
haha!! Well, you know this puppy is suposed to be his, now I have done 90% of the training and exercise (but I have loved it...don't tell him!), so he knows better than to ask me to clean up ;D
sounds good to me, wish we had acerage:)
I did learn one thing not to do when we first brought them home - don't try to flush!!! Sinks like a rock and clogs up the toilet! :(
I had no idea....I always flushed my cat's waste, you'd think it would be the same.
Wasn't nice at all!!!!!!
That's very close to what I was going to do! I had read that article and several other ones like it. One difference was that I was going to rig a Doggy Dooley lid onto the larger garbage can so that we would have the 'step to open' feature. I didn't want to have to bend down and remove a lid with my hand while trying to hold a shovel full of poop. Plus that would put my nose way too close to the action!

Another difference was that I wasn't going to cut holes in the very bottom of the garbage can. This allows the enzymes to break down the waste into a slurry that then escapes from the holes part way up the side of the can. Yes... you will constantly have poop soup down there just brewing with enzymes like in normal/human septic tanks. (The doggy dooley works this way as well.) The advantage of this is that all waste gets broken down because the enzymes stay active in the liquid. It's supposed to build up sludge very slowly. And when it does, it's easy to just rinse it our with a hose. And just use normal and cheap septic starter from Home Depot... don't bother with the fancy doggy stuff. It's no better.



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