Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

A neighbor generously brought me a big bag of ripened tomatoes.  All different sizes.  I left the bag on the counter NEVER THINKING THE DOG WOULD GET THEM.

He got them.

I googled the dangers of tomatoes in dogs and it is scaring me to death.

How concerned should I be?  

I would say there were about 20 grape size and a few plum size, maybe 1/2 pound all together.


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It sounds like your dog should be OK. Here' sweat I read. It seems ripe tomatoes are not so bad.
But you can always get a vet opinion on line for about $20.

Thank you.  That's the site I read as well.  aside from the little green part on the top and a few vines (not much) it was pretty much ripe small red tomatoes.  

F is right. It's only the green parts of the plant that can be toxic in large amounts.

I expect he'll have a good case of diarrhea, but otherwise he should be fine. 

Glad to hear that (I think)  

Thank you.

Aside from the potential for diarrhea, I think you are going to be OK.  Keep notes.  You are going to have a great story to tell to dog lovers.  It could be the beginning of a saga.  

Our dear recently departed chocolate lab Coco loved fruits and vegetables.  Chari nursed this single eggplant into ripeness.  She was about to pick it and it was gone.  Yes, Coco nabbed it before she got the chance.  She had this mulberry tree.  You couldn't find a single ripe mulberry below about 4'.  No, it wan't the birds, it was Coco.  She had this apple tree in the back yard.  When an apple dropped from the tree, he'd run over and grab one, carrying it back proudly in his mouth.  It didn't matter whether it was the apple that fell.  Then he'd wolf it down.  Then there were watermelons.  Your doodle isn't half lab by chance?  Talk about food motivated ...

Oh thats funny. No, he is Goldendoodle but highly food driven. I think in his former home he may have had to steal food. Poor baby. His manners have drastically improved since we got him in December so this surprised me. Well, all rugs are being rolled up now!

How is your doodle feeling this morning?

I'd be tempted to at least give a Pepcid or something for heartburn and acid.  How about some TUMS?

We did not grow our cherry tomatoes, or any tomatoes, this year as Quincy would steal them off the vine last year.  Hmm, come to think of it,  our pepper crop is not very bountiful, wonder about that!  

Hope your pup is fine by now. 

We did grow tomatoes... not that we've seen any of them.. thankfully, they only snatch them when they're ripe. Next year, we will grow them someplace other than the back yard. 

I hope you doodle is feeling ok! 

Happy to report Buzz is just fine. No problems at all, though i did notice some "remnants" the next morning. He has a hearty appetite and no digestion issues whatsoever. Now, all thats left is to beg my neighbor for more as they were pretty darn good. This time...they go in the fridge or my belly real fast!

I'm glad to hear it, although a tiny little part of me thinks he got off easy, the furry little thief! LOL

Good news! My own tomatoes keep getting chewed up, chipmunks I think : )



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