Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Started this discussion. Last reply by Lonnie & Libby Lu May 5, 2015. 12 Replies 0 Favorites
I havent been on here for a while :( just so worried tonight. Buzz has been eating grass. Never noticed this before but today i had to stop him. Tonight, he projectile vomited and now wont eat…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Laurie, Wally & Charlotte Dec 10, 2014. 16 Replies 3 Favorites
Started this discussion. Last reply by Janie, Jackson and Jilly Nov 18, 2014. 2 Replies 1 Favorite
Brrrrr......I walk in from the cold and stick my hands under some big, warm floppy ears.Tactile Therapy...these doodles are pure tactile therapy.Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by F, Calla & Luca Aug 23, 2014. 12 Replies 0 Favorites
A neighbor generously brought me a big bag of ripened tomatoes. All different sizes. I left the bag on the counter NEVER THINKING THE DOG WOULD GET THEM.He got them.I googled the dangers of…Continue
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Wow! You are either an early riser or live on the other side of the continent...your message came thru at 4:00a.m.!, I'm off on Fridays so Skadi and I have the luxury of lying in bed and having a cup of coffee (for me) and rubs and cuddles for Skadi. Congratulations on your new addition! I went to your personal page but was confused if I was looking at pictures of your new "love" or Bay (who is deliciously gorgeous!) I hope you post more pictures...I love seeing the "furkids".
Remember to tell your groomer to NOT scoop out the eyes and leave that notable triangle of fur that starts at the forehead down to the snout. No shaving of the snout.
The last few times I told my groomer to NOT cut bangs, but to back comb the front fur and then trim...she's been doing a fantastic job, but I kept helping her tweak the doodle look...especially the little tufts in between the eyes...don't let them remove them completely...afterall, they are doodles and that is part of the cuteness.
Good luck. And once again I envy your additon...I have thought about it, but we travel 2-3 times a year and have to kennel Skadi...I would feel twice the "guilt" with two!
Don't forget, please! Here's one of my favorite pictures of Skadi.
Donna ~ I saw a post back in December regarding the addition of Buzz. How are things going with have two doodles? When we got a second (it was puppy Beau) I was in total shock. I had never had two dogs at one time. Now, I love it and so the doodles! Hope all is going really well for Bay, Buzz & your family.
Oh my gosh, all of your pictures of Bay are fantastic! What a beautiful girl! I love her fur color and want one! I love the snow picture. Aren't doodles the best! I see you take her boating...Skadi loves boating too. I don't miss any of the shedding...and they are just too cute for words. We are very luck to have them.
This picture of Gavin reminds me of Bay's boating picture.
Thanks Donna.....It's always fun to meet a fellow DK member! If we get a bit of free time I'll zip off an email. Trouble with getting down to the island is too many people to see in so little time. John's other son just moved to new condo in Brooklyn so we'll be squeezing a visit there into our stay as well.
Hi Donna and Bay......Just read your post re: photos and in coming to your page I see you're on LI. DH is from LI, in fact his Mom lives in Kingspark and son and grandchildren live in Sayville. We're looking forward to visiting all next week! Love boating LI it's just gorgeous down there.
Bay is such a cutie.....and the name is PERFECT!
Sorry to hear about your daughter's loss of her friend. These doodle dogs are the best therapy you could get and Bay just looks like the typical goldendoodle (even the color).
Welcome to Doodle Kisses Donna! Your Bay is adorable! They are the best doggies ever! This site is wonderful with great information and people who are so very helpful. Check out the groups and discussions, they are amazing! Enjoy DK and have fun:)