Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I finally did it!  We took Harpo for his first bike ride.  He was off leash and we left Groucho Too at home because he can be such a bad influence.   We went in the Ridgeline without being in a crate and went to a restaurant to eat afterwards with Harpo leashed outdoors.  Everyone who came by wanted to pet and play with him and he absolutely loved it.  He is such a big boy now.

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Sounds like a red letter day for Harpo!
Congratulations and way to go. Lynda, Did you know this same discussion posted three times? Just go in to the other two discussions without comments and I think it says Options up top and hit delete. Hope this helps.

What fun!  I'm so happy to hear that he did great.  Now he is truly part of the family.  But was Groucho Two OK with being left behind?  I know the drive is probably a lot further than you want to go and but Alice's Restaurant which is up in the hills on the way over to Half Moon Bay allows dogs on the outside deck which, on a nice day, is amazing to have a nice meal.  Also, they have an inside area off to the side of the main room that allows leashed dogs to come in and sit under or beside your table.  We have gone there with the dogs when it has been drizzling and it was not a problem.  That was a year ago but I assume they still allow it.  Great food too!  We usually go for brunch when we are up visiting the kids.  

We haven't tried Alice's Restaurant, but did I tell you about our restaurant experience in San Juan Bautista?  They have a wonderful outdoor restaurant that allows animals in their garden that is very large and has outdoor tables with umbrellas.  Well...we took Hondo and Groucho Too in there one day after a walk through the mission area and we hoping to have a nice Mexican dinner.  We had a nice large table for four and Charlie and I were across from each other with a dog between us on each side.  Hondo laid down and Groucho Too was sitting up very straight and looking ahead.  We ordered our dinner and I went to the restroom to wash my hands.  When I came out, Charlie and the dogs were gone.  One of the other diners told me that my dog had chased a cat.  Apparently he had been watching a cat and when the cat departed, so did Groucho with his leash banging on chairs as he ran to the back garden.  Luckily he  did not run into anyone but Charlie went after him and his leash was wrapped around a rose bush and he was stuck.  Charlie cut up his hands trying to get the leash out of the rose bush and when he got them untangled, he came back to the table and told me he was taking the dogs back to the car.  When he came back, our dinners had arrived and for the first time ever, Charlie did not enjoy his meal.  That was a little experience we would not want to repeat.  Of course, Carmel is nearby for us, but we have not taken the dogs into the restaurants there.

Oh, and Groucho Too was fine with being left at home.  He was on our bed taking a nap when we got home.  He is not the greatest bike ride dog - get distracted very easily.

Sorry, but I had to laugh visualizing Groucho Too taking off after a cat.  But I also can imagine the embarrassment of what took place and not wanting to experience it again.  Something for all of us to be aware of in the future.  Cats do lurk everywhere and not just in people's yards!
I remember that post!  Fun for us to read, not so fun for you.
What a wonderful day!  I'm not a biker but I hope one day Harper will be able to run along side me on the beach.  That's my dream!
You are close enough!  Come on down to Carmel Beach and you can run with your dog there and no issues about a leash.
I am so impressed!
Harpo you really are a big boy now!  I love the photos, the scenery is amazing but my favorite part his Harpo's tongue hanging out - so cute!
Happy dog, Happy family (well maybe not so much if Groucho knew what was going on). Congratulations. I wish I could do this with Daisy.
This sounds like so much fun!  Love the pictures.



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