Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Been a long day...Hurley is out of surgery just now!! It went well!! Very good...he has no more cysts!

He will sleep for a couple of hours and come home tonight!!

What a time we have had time since all of this has happened!! Now look at's done...he is going to have a long and healthy life...thank you all for saving my dog....!!

I will write soon..I have a lot to say to you all....!!

love to you all,

Regina and Hurley

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Regina - the strength that you have shown throughout all of this has been amazing.  Hurley had the right doodle momma fighting for him.  This to me is what DK is about - though we may never meet, we are one family.  I will be watching for all the updates and photos as life gets back to normal.

Hooray!!!!! Such great news.  Get some rest and enjoy the recovery.

Such wonderful news!  Hope his night at home goes smoothly and the recovery is uneventful! 

Great news Regina.

What great news!  I am so happy for both you and Hurley.

How wonderful! So glad Hurley is fine and cyst-free!!!

Wonderful news!   I hope Hurley's weekend is restful and uneventful Regina.

This is GREAT news.  Many of the stories on here touch me deeply but Hurley has brought more than a few tears.  But now they are happy tears.  

This is the BEST news!  What a journey you and Hurley have been on, and finally the outcome that we've all been praying for.  Time to celebrate!

Terrific!  So glad the surgery's done and you can all get on with the business of "living happily ever after"!

Excellent news!  Rest well, Hurley.




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