Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Such a gorgeous morning. We had gone to our regular dog park that is fully fenced yesterday, so we decided to try the one much closer to our house that is supposed to be on leash only and is not fenced. Quincy has poor recall command once he is out of the house so we knew he would have to be on his long lead.
It was very crowded and most dogs were not on leashes. All seemed okay and then I heard Quincy yelping really loud. My DH had the lead and was going toward him. When I spotted Quincy he was on his back, belly up, screaming, really the best way to describe it. It scared me near to death. My husband was trying to get to him, just a short distance, but so was every other dog in the park, it seemed. Quincy was surrounded by all these dogs. I remember bending over and trying to pick him up and a dog jumping on my back, and I remember seeing my husband and thinking one of us was going to get hurt. It was just mass confusion. All the dogs were going crazy by then. I remember clapping my hands, I guess I was trying to scare them. I don't even know. Some people did come over, but it seemed like more dogs joined in instead of owners getting their dogs out of the melee. Just horrible, with Quincy screaming the whole time. He is a very verbal dog but with all this mass confusion I really had no way of knowing if he was being bit, had been bit or was just scared- I certainly was. My husband said he was sure he was going to get bit, too, trying to get the dogs away.
Once we got him away, some dogs were STILL coming over and poor Quincy was shaking. I sat on the ground and held him to try to calm him. I actually started to tremble. the two of us sat there shaking.
The owner of the dog who first growled and jumped on him or whatever he did at Quincy that made Quincy go on his back and start howling was very nice and felt horrible. She came over and stayed with us and shooed the other dogs away. A guy came over and identified himself as a vet and checked for bites- thank goodness, none. He did say to watch him since they can show up later once there is swelling. so far so good.
I remember another post not so long ago-I am bad at remembering who- where her dog was attacked while walking and thinking- crap...what do you do. I still don't know. It was mayhem for at least a few seconds that seemed like much much longer. Our poor dog is laying there on his back and there are all these other dogs circling, jumping and I was hearing that awful snarling sound with Quincy yowling.
After the owner gave me her phone number and suggested to us that we not leave the park but let Quincy be there a bit so he won't be afraid next time. so we walked down the long lawn and he kept very, very close to us.
We all started to feel better and then wouldn't you know it we saw a golden doodle and thought, great! But, son of a gun, Quincy went over to him, sniffed his face and the dog growled at Quincy ! He came flying back between my legs. I could not believe it. Psycho dog park? or do I have to change Quincy's deodorant...poor guy was just not having any luck.
We went to another section of the park area and there was a really old dog and his terrific owners. Her theory is that the pack smells out the puppies and does a hazing on the vulnerable ones., i don't know what was up. We hung out there for a bit, walked him around and then went home.
We decided to plant and Quincy got to terrorize us by stealing our garden gloves and the empty plastic pots from the plants were were trying to do. His drop command is also limited to inside the house. But, at least he seems just fine. We put the sprinklers on for him, a new treat, and all is settled down.
My husband is far less dramatic than me. When he said it was a nightmare, you can bet it was.
thank you. me too!
So sorry this happened to Quincy. I hope he fully recovers with no last effects. I'm not a big fan of dog parks for so many reasons, this being one. Hope you can all relax and enjoy the rest of the weekend.
One other thing, Lori, I think you posted yesterday about Quincy being fearful of a dog in the park. A fearful dog in a dog park can be a recipe for disaster. Other dogs can pick up on the fear and it can trigger an attack. Sometimes dogs can sense fear before people can see it so unless you are familiar with dog body language it could be missed. If you are going to continue to take Quincy to dog parks perhaps it would be helpful to read up on dog body language and about dog parks in general including how to prevent and/or stop an attack without getting hurt. There are some good articles available on line that will give you some pointers on what you can do to help insure that Quincy can be safe going to these parks or help you decide if it is even a good option for him.
Yesterday's little to-do with the poodle did come to mind. I think Quincy does give off fear vibes or some kind of dog what ever vibes. He is 11 1/2 months. He is very vocal and a bit of a drama queen, like his mama. lol. good advice Ricki. no parks for a bit, we are too old (his parents) for this!
I had the same thought. I really think that dogs in a dog park setting often take on a "pack mentality", and a fearful pack member will be vulnerable. You also have to be real careful not to feed Quincy's fear by demonstrating fear yourself. I know how difficult that can be, but I really think if our dogs show fear and we react to that with fear ourself, we are validating that fear. At our Daycare before a dog is accepted they are tested to see how they behave with "the pack" and how the other dogs respond to their energy. I remember when Murph was being tested and the Daycare owner explained to me that one of the things they do look for is extremely fearful behavior. Perhaps if you really want to continue to go to the dog parks you could hire a trainer or behaviorist to go with you a couple times and help you understand the dynamics and how to best manage the situation for Quincy. Good luck.
I have always wanted to take my dogs to a dog park but never have, mostly because of reasons like this. I have no idea what I would do or should do if something like this were to happen :( I'll stick with prescheduled play dates and the random stranger dog meet and greet on walks and at the people park :)
Glad to hear that Quincy is ok!
thank you. I think it is random, and I am going to work on play dates instead. We really have enjoyed weekend time with him, but there are trails and such that we will do instead.
So sorry to hear about this incident. I am glad that he is OK....
I agree that dogs can sense a puppy or a fearful dog--the dog park situation that we dream of with all the dogs having fun does not happen all the time--or maybe not even some of the time--there are often issues...and some dogs HATE puppies--so that is a problem also.
I don't go to dog parks anymore because only one of my dogs actually likes it and she just strolls around greeting the people. I was nervous about taking my dogs to a friend's house with two poodles and they had a ball, so the situation that is more controlled is better for my guys. Maybe Quincy too--try again when he is older and maybe stick to a more controlled situation.
Yes- the dream of everyone getting along. Would be nice for people too. He has had only positive at the other park when he was off leash so we might go back there. when he ran from the poodle yesterday, there was no aggression that I could perceive from that dog, just whatever sparked Quincy to run and yelp.
I have seen other altercations at that park, never with my guy in the middle or anywhere near though. I do think he gives off fearful perfumes-puppy perfumes- whatever.
thanks everyone. I knew I would get good advice and insights.
So happy that Quincy is ok and doesn't seem to be showing any signs of being afraid. We don't go to dog parks any longer for this very reason. It is sad that they build such wonderful places but you can't go because of all the irresponsible owners.
I wish I could have two and foster a third like you so Quincy could have built in playmates! That day may come, but not for a bit!
thank you for your kind thoughts - you are my doodle hero!
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