Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I know I haven't been posting for a while but I just wanted to tell you about the dog we are baby sitting.

His name is Poncho he has been here for almost a week, we have baby sat him before. He is a chi (mostly bald lol) He is my grandmas dog and he will be here for 2 weeks while my grandma is in idao and seattle. Huff tolerates him but dosen't like him on his bed. So we got Poncho his own bed and crate so he now has his own little bed I bring almost everywhere. At home he eats dog food so when he comes to visit he gets some of Huff's homeade food (he loves this). He is about 10-15lbs (still holdable). He loves to be held or be laying on a pillow. He was a rehome so my grandma gesses he is 10 yrs old but I think he is a little younger. He is sleeping in his crate right now. Not to brag but I think he likes me the best (Bryce).



This picture is of him and my dad (his brother).

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Have fun with your tiny house guest!!  Your dad looks thrilled to have his picture taken...LOL!
Ya he is not very fond of that picture.
Sounds like Poncho is having a nice little vacation, just like your grandma!
Yup he is right here with me right now. He still misses his mommy though.
Cute picture!
Thanks :)
He is tiny but very cute. Make sure Huff doesn't  get  jealous. Have fun!
Ya we have to keep an eye on them when they are together. One time Huff almost layed on him.
So cute!! Be a good host Huff!
Thanks. I will remind Huff.

I love chihuahuas - Peri's bro is one!  Poncho's name is great.

I figured you would like his name. Thanks:)



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