Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I recently purchased a golden doodle from Christys Goldendoodles in Alpine, CA. We had our puppy, Fozzie, for 2 months, but sadly gave him back because of some aggression issues. He was very territorial. He bit my lip after taking a toy away and growled and snapped when we tried to pet him when tired or picked up. We noticed the aggression the first week we brought him home and it continued, despite working with a trainer. Anyway, the breeder was reluctant, but she took him back and apparently has recently sold him again. So, she has gotten paid twice for this dog. It was too emotional for me to return him to the breeder, so my husband did it for me. At this time, the breeder said she would consider giving us a replacement puppy or possible refund. But I have not heard from her in weeks since she sold Fonzie. I feel like she has taken advantage of us. I am still so sad about the whole situation. It has been a rough few months. I was so excited for this puppy and I hope to get another one soon. Does anyone have any advice for me? Do you think the breeder should give us some sort of reimbursement or replacement puppy? 


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So sorry to hear about your loss and the lack of response from Christy. My dog Sunny is from Christy's, she is a year and a half old and her parents were Max and Georgia. I abserved another dog from the same parents for several months before I asked the owner who said this was the best dog ever. I think Sunny is the best, sweetest dog ever so I believe Christy does breed for personality and temperment. I often recommend this breeder when people ask and will be interested to hear what happens.

Fozzie was from Michelo and Karma. I do believe Christy has good dogs. I have met many as well. Fozzie was not a mean, vicious dog. Just some issues that we weren't willing to deal with having children and big neighborhood with kids, etc. I am sure he will be fine in the right, controlled environment. I will not recommend Christy to others as I am frustrated and disappointed in her lack of communication and unprofessionalism. She recently blocked me from Facebook. I guess thats a clear sign that she doesn't want to give us anything. Disappointing. I don't understand what I did. We never demanded anything from her nor expected anything really. Just thought it seemed fair, since she was able to sell Fozzie again. I also would love to know what happened to Fozzie - where he went and what kind of family he has now, etc. Sadly, I don't think I will ever know. 

Like Lori posted, it really depends on the terms of your contract as to whether you are owed a refund or a replacement puppy, or have some other recourse. Please carefully review your contract so that you can determine what recourse you might have and what the breeder is required to do in this situation. Also, check for an arbitration clause – meaning that the court would not have to be involved from the outset.

I agree with Nancy about trying to call the breeder and being as pleasant and cooperative as possible, but I would not ask the breeder any other questions about Fozzie because it will likely cause her to become defensive and uncooperative in settling the matter with you. As sad as it is, since you voluntarily surrendered Fozzie back to her, you have no legal interest in him anymore – meaning that she doesn’t have to divulge any information to you about him, and she’d violate her customer’s privacy rights if she gave you the name or location of Fozzie’s new owner.

I love Nancy’s suggestion in trying to contact the breeder under the guise of a potential new customer. If it were me, I’d definitely give it a try. Just please remember not to upset her in any way and maybe she’ll agree to settle this amicably.

DISCLAIMER: The above is not intended to be legal advice, and should not be considered as legal advice.

Hi Barbie,

Thank you for responding! I am still frustrated with the situation. Christy did reach out to my husband a month or two ago and offered half of our payment, but we haven't received anything yet. She also stated that she would not be responding to any of my texts or emails, which puzzles me. I certainly would not want her to give me the name or address of new owner. I simply want to know if Fozzie was definitely sold and if he has a new home, and if he is happy. She wouldn't even tell me this. She told my husband it is none of "my business". It still makes me so sad. She seem so mad at me. But I am just sad and hurt and confused. I am not mad. Just frustrated. I don't think I could call her under a the guise of a new potential buyer. I am sure she would hang up as soon as she found out it was me. We will continue to get in touch with her in hopes of some sort of payment. 



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