Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

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  • Charlotte, NC
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Barbie's Discussions

Heaven Awaits Hercules (UPDATE: He's in Heaven Now)

Started this discussion. Last reply by Susan and Sasha Oct 4, 2011. 77 Replies

Hercules woke me up early this morning whimpering. I thought his tummy might be upset, so I got him to walk outside, but he moved very slowly . . . then started trembling . . . and collapsed in the…Continue

Science Diet Weight Loss System

Started this discussion. Last reply by J and Riley (and Luna) Sep 5, 2011. 14 Replies

Has anyone tried the Science Diet Weight Loss System? I was wondering if it really produces results. Hercules has been on a diet for over 3 years now, but is still overweight. He's 82 lbs. and only…Continue

Prayers for Hercules - WARNING: Possible Authority Dog Food Contamination

Started this discussion. Last reply by shelly Aug 31, 2011. 56 Replies

(Please scroll down to LATEST UPDATE for the warning, which applies only to Authority Senior dog food, at this time.)Hercules has been eating four meals a day, but only gets fed twice. Yes, he’s been…Continue

Is Your Doodle an Interior Designer?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Mimi Linna, Lilly and Lolly Aug 24, 2011. 41 Replies

Today was my first day back to school since Zeus came home a month ago. He just turned 25 weeks old and other than stealing dish and hand towels from the kitchen countertop, rolling the bathroom in…Continue

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Barbie's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
PitaPata Dog tickers
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Zeus - Shardoodle (I don't like the Sharpoo name, so I made up my own)
- Mom: Cream Standard Poodle
- Dad: Black Shar-Pei
Born: 2/28/11
Coat: Black & White (Phantom)

17 weeks: 30 lbs.
20 weeks: 36 lbs.
21 weeks: 38 lbs., 22.5" tall (5 months old)
23 weeks: 43 lbs., 23" tall
24 weeks: 45 lbs.
25 weeks: 50 lbs.
26 weeks: 51 lbs., 24" tall (6 months old)
28 weeks: 52.4 lbs.
29 weeks: 54.2
30 weeks: 55.4 lbs., 25” tall (7 months old)
32 weeks: 58.4 lbs.
33 weeks: 59.2 lbs.
35 weeks: 62.0 lbs. (8 months old)
36 weeks: 62.4 lbs.
37 weeks: 63.4
38 weeks: 64.0 lbs. (woo-hoo, almost a heavyweight)
10 months: 65.4 lbs.
11 months: 66.7 lbs.
1 year: 68.1 lbs.
4 years: 79 lbs.
5 YEARS: 90 LBS. (definitely a heavyweight)

Hercules a/k/a "The Miracle Dog" - Portie (PWD)
1/1/99 to 9/13/11 (rest in peace)
Coat: Black & White (Parti coat)
82 lbs., 24.5" tall

Hercules had been battling cancer since May 2011, when he was given 2 weeks to live, but he beat the odds and continued warming my heart with his presence for a few months longer. He now rests in peace.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
I wanted a non-shedding dog like my Portie, med-large in size, who is intelligent, docile, and friendly, yet a good protector. I was originally seeking a Labradoodle, but came across Zeus, a puppy, who was believed to be a Chowdoodle. Since I previously owned Chow Chows and a Standard Poodle, I felt this was a good match for me.

UPDATE: In 2014, I had Zeus DNA tested and discovered his father, his parents, and his grandparents were all full-bred Shar-Pei.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Giving lots of hugs, kisses, and belly rubs. Zeus loves his squeak toys and hasn't learned to play fetch yet, but we're working on it.

UPDATE: I finally gave up on the fetch thing and am glad I did because I remember one DK member telling me her arms were sore every day. (Thanks for sharing that with me!)
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
I do it all myself, including cleaning up the daily massive shedding - whew!
Favorite Doodle Products?
Purina Busy Bone Minis and Three-Dog Bakery Cookies. Oh, and Jane's poop station (I just gotta get me one of those bad boys one day).
Relationship Status:
Would you be willing to Dog Sit on occasion for other DoodleKisses members? (You are NOT committing to anything by saying yes - you are just saying you might be willing to do this if you were acquainted with the other member and the circumstances were right.)

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Barbie's Blog

The Dreaded Ear Infection

Posted on July 6, 2016 at 4:39pm 11 Comments

Last month, I suspected that my son might be developing an ear infection, but there wasn’t an odor. So, I thought it might just be residual fleas from our May infestation/home invasion that crawled into his ears. Nope! Now my baby whines or screams if anything touches his ears (even if he accidentally rubs one against something) and I now smell the odor. I have some Tramadol, so I texted my FL vet friend what dosage to give him for pain. We’ll be visiting his local vet tomorrow.

I had…


Zeus with a Poodle-Do

Posted on June 27, 2016 at 1:35am 5 Comments

Zeus is five years old now, but still a messy eater. So, I took him to the groomer for a Poodle-Do. Ok, so it's not as becoming as I thought it'd be (maybe I should've painted his toenails sky blue). Anyway, it'll grow back.

Poor Hercules ... Another Vet Visit

Posted on September 8, 2011 at 10:04pm 9 Comments

I saw a 2” scab on Hercules’ chest and small ones on his back. Diagnosis: staph infection. So, now he has raw boo-boos and is taking 10 pills/day (instead of 6). After returning home from the vet, I put puppy Zeus in the bathroom, went to school, came back home and Zeus had chewed up my brand new bathroom window blinds. How he got his teeth clamped onto anything that's 51" from the floor is beyond me. The joys of Doodle puppyhood, lol!

Just call me Grace. I’m such an idiot.

Posted on August 17, 2011 at 4:39pm 21 Comments


I decided to tune up my lawn mower today. Got the blade off and took it to a shop to have it sharpened. Being oh so careful with my now very sharp blade, I came home and held it above my head as I walked in the door to keep jumpin’ jack Zeus safe. I slowly walked to the back door, grabbed my tools, went outside, gently set the blade in place on the lawn mower, and started wrenching it back on.…


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At 10:45am on December 26, 2016, Dawn Clark said…
Hi Barbie
I apologize, I just saw this message now. We just got our standard goldendoodle a week ago, he is just 9 wks now. I am obviously new to this site, so I have to figure out how to post his (Jasper) picture. I will work on this. Thanks for the warm welcome.....this Canadian appreciates it ❤
At 8:29am on August 13, 2016, Kathy Becker said…

Brandy is now almost 5 months old and is jumping on people which needs to stop.   We act like a tree or say "off" to each time.  She is also jealous of our 10 year old bichon fries and barks at him to get him to play we think.  Everything he has she wants and that causes most of the barking.  She will block him from going upstairs and run in front of him so he can't get to another room.  Any suggestions?

At 7:44pm on July 28, 2016, Laurie, Fudge, and Vern said…

Barbie, I am just now reading my comments from May and June. LOL Thanks for the birthday wishes!!

At 2:07pm on July 26, 2016, Alan said…

Hi Barbie... My Maddie is 7 yrs. old, and a puppy for life. I've got many photos I'm thinking of posting, but I'm also still checking out this site to see how tame it is. I've already received one solicitation message, and this is the first response I've given. I'm not fond of websites that don't monitor SPAM or solicitations, but I guess that would take some work. I really only wanted to share Doodle experiences with others who are reaping the benefits of owning one. They are an amazing breed. Will be in touch. Thanks for reaching out.

At 1:59pm on July 26, 2016, Andrea said…

I've been busy...and Scout is really learning.  What a wonderful dog so far.  I think he was probably just crying, not full howling.  Now that he's used to his crate, he doesn't do this anymore.   He is so fun.   Growing and changing.  YO%20Play%20-%20TEC%20003.JPG

At 8:49am on July 16, 2016, Lynda Kamrath said…

Groucho Too was not a parti coat.  He has the very typical phantom poodle markings and he was a beautiful dog.  He died over two years ago and I wanted another dog like him.  My breeder has a phantom poodle but she is into OES training now (Old English Sheepdog) and agreed to breed an OES with the phantom poodle.  I have been working with her for two years and the puppy of my dreams is here.  I pick her up on Monday.  Photos to follow.  This is one from the breeder.

At 5:01am on July 15, 2016, michael schonfeld said…

Well her are the 3 dogs together and one Horse Romeo  check out our Facebook page

Rideabiltysc and see the rest, we do therapeutic horseback riding here in SC

At 10:27am on July 14, 2016, Bonnie and Kona said…
Yes, Kona is 90 and 9 years old. Owen is 75 and turns 6 in a month. Time flies too quickly with our beloved pets. They have my heart.
At 5:04pm on July 13, 2016, Kelsey Stoddard said…
Hi Barbie,

Thank you! He is just 10 weeks today ☺️
At 6:29am on July 13, 2016, Veronica Torres said…

Thank you for the feedback :) 



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