Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I'll start from the beginning. Last week we moved into a rental home. We are building, so we needed a rental while we finish building. Allie was very upset by this move. She never has been out of the house we brought her home to. I got her some treats from 3 Dog Bakery to give her a treat.  I gave her one the first day and a different kind the second day. The second day she threw up. It looked like she threw up the treat and her food from the morning. That night we had pizza. My husband left it on the island. I don't even have to tell you what happened next. Allie has NEVER gotten anything off a counter until now. Anyway when I got home I found three slices of pizza upstairs. She ate the toppings off the pizza but left the crust. It was a supreme pizza so onions, pepperoni, meat, olives, etc. That was Thursday. Friday she did not eat but pooped and peed normally. Saturday when she still had not eaten I took her to the hospital. They did blood work and everything was normal. I was concerned about the onions but they said her red blood count is normal. They gave her an anti nausea shot and sent me home with anti nausea pills and antibiotics. Last night she woke me up and I could tell she was uncomfortable so I got up with her and she needed to go potty. She had diarrhea.This happened twice and then she threw up again so back to the hospital we went. They have now done an x ray and it shows a swollen intestine. They are thinking either an obstruction, pancreatitis, or Addison's disease. They have her on an IV and they are going to give her another x ray at 4. I am to call them at 5 for an update. Needless to say I am beside myself with worry and what is killing me is the look she gave me when I left. It said "why are you leaving me?" I almost have no more tears...


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So sorry to hear Allie is not feeling well. I'm sure she is resting and they are keeping her comfortable, so it's good that you brought her. She will be home before you know it. I think it's harder on us than them when we have to leave them.

I hope Allie feels better soon... sending hugs your way.


Leigh, I've been thinking of you and Allie.  Any update?

Saying prayers for Allie and watching for an update. I know the agony of leaving a precious pet at the vet.

I would suggest that it is some kind of blockage.  You never can tell what she might have eaten when you were moving but I doubt it has anything to do with the pizza she snagged from the counter.  My vet did two surgeries on Hondo when he was having liver problems to check for some kind of blockage, but there was nothing.  She said it is amazing the things you find in a dogs intestines or stomach.  Nylon bikini panties?  I got a good laugh at that one.  Whatever is wrong, she is trying to make herself well by the vomiting and diarrhea.  It is nothing you have done so stop worrying.  Also, our vets have amazing things available to them these days.  Love your dog, trust your vet, and get busy working on your new home.



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