Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Sue, Murphy and Bella ()*o*()
  • 71, Female
  • Chandler, Arizona
  • United States
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Sue, Murphy and Bella ()*o*()'s Friends

  • Dr Karen Hoving
  • Lindsey Holt
  • Casey
  • Eric G
  • Joann Valerio
  • Alex Preble
  • ILB
  • Paige Hendrixson
  • Wynnie & Jim
  • Gumbo and Ashley
  • Laura & Sophie Doodle
  • Stephanie
  • Pam Thomas
  • Jeanne Bogle
  • Malenie Piscetelli

Sue, Murphy and Bella ()*o*()'s Discussions

Questions regarding Glucosomine

Started this discussion. Last reply by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle Aug 9, 2019. 8 Replies

Murphy is 8 today!!!! Happy Birthday #1 Doodle

Started this discussion. Last reply by Cheryl and Finnegan Dec 21, 2016. 23 Replies

Couch Protector recommendations?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Sue, Murphy and Bella ()*o*() Oct 13, 2016. 9 Replies


Welcome, Sue, Murphy and Bella ()*o*()

Profile Information

About Me:
Retired Fire-fighter/Paramedic husband and I am a Retired Registered Nurse. We have never had a dog in our lives before and we chose Cliberdoodles as our breeder and she has made the whole process wonderful.
We have been traveling in a 40' RV for the past 1 1/2 yrs with long stops in Florida and Arizona. UPDATE: 2010: settled in Arizona, I am working full-time for the Arizona Dept. of Health Services. Bob stays busy around the house, Putzing, as he calls it. We just got our second doodle, Bella on Oct 1 and just loving it! UPDATE 2013: I have been back to my roots in OB Nursing as a Lactation Consultant since May 2011. DH is a Harley Davidson sales person and is loving it. Turned his hobby into a job! UPDATE: 2016 We are both retired, me as of 11/15 and LOVING it! Doodles are healthy and happy and sweet as can be. I'm just so happy finally being a full time doodle mom.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Murphy, Goldendoodle, Male, Apricot, born on my birthday in 2008. He is calm and energetic with just a happy sweet temperment. He loves the outdoors and to play with any other dog that can tolerate his enthusiasm. He is healthy, playful,and loves jeeps rides with us. He is a very special Cliberdoodle and can be seen on logo. He's the little apricot on in the far right hand corner. Just about 8 weeks old then. So tiny. April Cliber has been the best during our whole first year with our doodle. We now have Bella, from Cliberdoodles and she is 10 weeks old and just as sweet and smart as Murphy!!! So now we are a two doodle family.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
Fell in love with my daughters doodle last year and had to have one
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Run, (very short distances for now) walk, hike, Dog park, ride in jeep, travel in RV. Play catch, tickle his belly, cuddle. Clicker train. play catch, fetch and find the squirell, oh and did I mention play catch??? And go to Doodle Romps.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major, Nope!
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
I do. With the help of the Grooming Group. 2015 now getting professionally groomed.
Favorite Doodle Products?
Kong, Bully sticks, Hide a Squirel is his fav. soft ball to play catch with. Bella likes anything and everything and will eat it no matter what it is, so the harder material the better.
Relationship Status:
Do you have a website of your own? If so, share it here:
http://Facebook/ Arizona Doodles
Would you be willing to Dog Sit on occasion for other DoodleKisses members? (You are NOT committing to anything by saying yes - you are just saying you might be willing to do this if you were acquainted with the other member and the circumstances were right.)

 1/18/11  Bella is 46 pds @ 6 months old                            Murphy holds steady at 60-63 pds

 1/30/11  Bella is 50 pds!

 6/6/11   Bella is 58 pds @ 10.5 months old

9/25/11  Bella is 62 pds @ 14 months old

11/10/11 Bella is 58 pds. @ 16 months old (she was getting a little chunky in the hips)

Sue, Murphy and Bella ()*o*()'s Photos

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Sue, Murphy and Bella ()*o*()'s Blog

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At 8:00pm on June 10, 2016, Kaitlin and Ludo said…

I saw that you were looking for counter surfing tips.  Ludo was a MAJOR counter-surfer for a while but it is nearly entirely stopped. He was doing it about 15-20 times a day and it was a HUGE source of frustration.  Have you heard of the training exercise "it's yer choice"?  It's all about teaching self control.  Once they have the basic exercise down, you can implement it pretty much everywhere.

For your first line of defense against counter surfing, you want to do two things (according to our private trainer):

1. This is the most important piece and you'll still do this when you implement the "it's yer choice".  You need to reward contradicting behavior.  Whenever they walk by the counter and maybe look or sniff but keeps all four feet on the ground, click and treat (or praise and treat).  They will learn that they get treats and praise for keeping all four on the floor but that they DON'T get treats when they go vertical.

2. Body blocking.  Our trainer suggested that any contact (verbal or physical) can be misconstrued as positive praise so she suggests body blocking and just moving into your dog's space when he goes vertical. Honestly, this didn't work for us, so we decided to implement it's yer choice.

3. My idea was to put a pile of treats on one of our barstools and to cover it when he moves towards it and treat when he backs away-- then move it to the counter, etc... Our trainer said the pile of treats weren't necessary.  If he goes vertical, cover the counter where he is and I usually say no.  I then send him to his bed.  If he goes vertical a second time (after going to his bed), he goes back to his bed for a 15-20 second stay.  If he does it a third time, he goes to his crate for time-out.

I used the clicker for the choice part and Ludo figured the game out FAST.  Our family room is attached to our kitchen and is kind of separated by the kitchen peninsula and that is where the bar stools are, so from our family room, if he goes to the bar stools but doesn't go vertical, he gets a click and a treat.  If they are like Ludo, they'll figure out that it's an easy way to get treats.  Ludo will walk over to the bar stools and turn around and look at me-- waiting for me to praise him... so your job will be to ease out treating for the easy ones for them to do (for Ludo, when he barely reaches the bar stools) and just verbally praise for those.  Then treat for the harder ones-- for Ludo, it's when he goes to the other side of the peninsula.. that's when he is most likely to go vertical.

We've seen a HUGE improvement in doing this.  He was probably doing it 15-20 times a day and we're down to MAYBE once every few weeks.  Fair warning though, it took a good 4-6 weeks to get it REALLY under control.

You mentioned that they do it when you're not around... our trainer said to set up Facetime or something and sit in the other room... if they "drive by" but don't go vertical, praise them from the other room and they'll come running.  If they go vertical, immediately go and correct.

I hope that helps and I hope they're both alright with the glass!  How scary!

At 7:48pm on August 8, 2015, ILB said…
Thanks for the suggestion!
At 6:50pm on June 6, 2015, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

I see that you are changing to FiproGuard by Sentry  so I looked it up.  Are you switching to Plus or Max?  What has your research shown you about it as opposed to Frontline Plus?

At 1:55pm on April 5, 2014, cheryl & oliver said…

We have another thing in common, lol, before we moved to Florida, I was an ob-gyn nurse for 25 yrs...Do u come to florida at all now?  Would love to met you in person...Cheryl

At 6:23pm on November 7, 2013, Laurie, Fudge, and Vern said…

Sue, Who has the Intercourse shirt?? It has been MIA for quite some time and I thought you forwarded it to someone. Was it Donna and Bayley??



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