Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Sadie was just spayed today and I was just wondering if anyone has used anything other than a "cone" to prevent the dog from licking the incision area.  The vet has advised that she should wear the cone for a week! I am looking for a more comfortable solution. If anyone has any ideas, it would be much appreciated :)


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Vets sell the cones for a profit.  We probably all would like our Doodles to be more comfortable than they can be with those plastic cones on so it's worth it to try some comfy home made outfits that will prevent them from licking their sutures.  How would we like it to walk around with cones on after surgery?  We wish we would have been DK members when our Doodles had to wear those ungodly cones!!!!!!  All of the suggestions on DK sure do make sense!
We tried just the shirt but Izzy kept trying to lick her incision (she is a licker) so we have the shirt so she doesn't scratch the razor burn area AND the cone. She has adapted very well and I know that she is safe when I'm not watching her. I know the cone looks horrible but I look at it this way...IF she gets to the incision without the cone and opens it, she'll have to suffer longer. I'd rather have her heal in a week with no complications:)

We were so thankful that Luna left her incision alone.  No tank tops or cones here. 


When my elderly Bichon Frise (Yoshi) had a lump removed, she had to have a cone day and night for 2 weeks... poor thing.  This was at the age of 16 years no less, and she had never had one before!   The last time she had surgery before that was when she was a puppy and was spayed.  She was definitely not happy about it, and I don't think she slept very well while she had it on.


Happily, Yoshi hasn't had any lumps removed since then, and is now a spritely (but of course occasionally grumpy) 18 year old.

Our Sadie never licked or bothered with her incision.Her stitches were all subcuticular.If your girl licksI would try the tank top.



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