Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My parents are puppy-sitting a 12 wk old goldendoodle female puppy.  She is an extremely sweet little girl but she has an issue.  She piddles everywhere.  Now, this is different from the puddles that Charlotte leaves - we call them the piddler and the puddler.  Belle (the piddler) is pretty good about going potty outside but, if she has anything left in her at all, she leaves a trail.  When she's happy, when she's sad, when you pick her up, drip...drip....drip  If you make her sit down to give her "loving", she leaves a puddle which is consequently spread around by her vigorously wagging tail.  It's everywhere.....


We have had older pups/young adult dogs who would do this when they were excited or were showing submission but this puppy seems to just have no bladder control.  I'm trying to improve her self-esteem by scratching her belly and preventing her from dropping into prime piddling position.  Anyone have any suggestions that I can pass on to the piddling puppy parents? Please.....perhaps people could pretend....doesn't have to be perfect....anything to prevent a repeat puppy piddling performance....

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has she been checked for a UTI?
I'm thinking UTI or some other medical issue. That doesn't sound normal or healthy.
Our 12 week old girl just underwent treatment for a UTI that had to do with Vaginitis. I know before she was diagnosed she squatted a TON.. I would walk her outside and 15-30 minutes later she would go. Never very much, the minute she had anything in her bladder she would release it. I agree with the other ladies, I would have her checked for some kind of infection, that sounds like more then confidence issues. Keep us updated. If its any comfort I've learned UTI's are pretty common in little girls and easily treated with some antibiotics :)
My 14.5 week old puppy (male) dribbles a very little bit. I brought this up to my vet with the fact that he likes to play with his "toys" more than I expected. He laughed and said this was all normal.

I use a belly band (with a pad in it) with him and that seems to help the drips. There are diaper looking pants for females. At least that will control the clean up. and you could show your vet exactly how much she lets go of.

I would get her checked out by a vet just in case this is more than normal puppy dribbles.
Nothing to suggest - just wanted to say I love the alliteration!
Was she spayed early? I had just heard of an instance where this was a problem for a female for about 5 months. They blamed it on the early spaying and then it was determined that she had e-coli infection in the bladder. So bottom line is don't let them say it was from early spaying without running some tests for infection.



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