Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Has anyone tried Costco's flea & tick control product. Are you finding it works? Here in NJ Costco sells Frontline Plus for $37 &  the Costco equivalent is $20.

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I hate using this stuff also but unfortunately we have to because of our area & we do walk the local park trails. I use it every 6 weeks - Merial suggests applying it every 4 weeks. Buying it at Costco is convenient & the price is good. I'll stick with Frontline Plus - this is the 1st time I've seen the Costco brand & will wait till I hear & learn more about it. Thanks for your imput.

I wanted to say a great big CONGRATS - I read that Jack is doing very well!! He's such a lucky dood to have you & vice-a-versa!!


Thanks, Dana!

***Costco's product is not a generic for Frontline Plus.


I compared the two - they have different ingrediants.  They are not the same.

Andy what is the name of it?

It is just called Kirklands Flea & Tick Control.  I dont think they had it on line...because I looked for it there before I bought it.

The Ingredients are :

Etofenprox 30%

Methoprene 3.6%

Pieronyl Butoxide technical 5%

Other ingred. 61%


So the 2nd Ingred is the same...but not the first one.

No it's not on line. It is different because there are 2 active ingredients in Frontline, fipronil and methoprene. The fipronil is not here. The generic I bought does have fipronil.

Here's a good listing of the different ingredients in flea and tick products and what they are, for comparison purposes:


Interesting. The ingredient listed by Pam in Kirklnd's, is etofenprox  a pyrethroid, totally different than Fipronil and perhaps, just guessing, even less effective. I doubt they were saying it was a generic equivalent of Frontline, maybe just an alternative.

I just saw it at Amazon. It doesn't say anything about Frontline. The two reviews were awful.

Pam, the Kirkland's F & T Control seems to be a generic for Bio-spot Defense:

Yes, same ingredients.

I use Costco Frontline Plus, but it is not the Costco product.  Never had a problem yet and it seems to work even more than a month.  We get ticks on us, but the dogs are tick free or their ticks are dead.

I take generics often myself and prescribe them. There are some that are wonderful but some not. Unfortunately with human medication you cannot stipulate a certain generic. You can with OTC products for the dogs. Since Frontline itself is not that effective I was willing to try the generic. If the active ingredient, fipronil is the same, it will offer the same protection I think. The other ingredients are so bad, toluene etc, anything else might be an improvement.



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