Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Of course nothing with Georgia is ever normal.

Background: She had puppy vaginitis, and a tucked up vulva, so it was recommended to wait until after her first heat to get her fixed.

She didn't go into her first heat until almost 17 months. 

Shortly after she finished her heat, I noticed her mammary tissue was bruised, and a few reddish areas that looked like bruised tissue. I looked it up online and saw a photo that looked just like her and apparently it is a normal hormonal thing. So I let it go.

Forward about 3 weeks later and the bruising has not gone away, and feeling the tissue under the skin the mammary glands it feels a little bumpy in places. I decide to take her to the vet. She is scheduled to get fixed the following week so I just want to make sure.

The vet doesn't seem too concerned, says she may be going through a bit of false pregnancy and maybe getting her fixed will help with the hormone issues. 

I search false pregnancy online when I get home. I see some saying you shouldn't fix a dog in this state. But I feel my vet is very good, so I decided to trust him. Maybe she isn't far enough along to have it be an issue.

So the following week I take her in to get spayed. I go to pick her up at the end of the day and find out she was put under and he looked at her tissue and was too concerned about her hemorrhaging to operate. I was relieved that he made the call but also concerned he didn't pick up on it the week before. He said it looked worse, but I don't think it looked that much different. He suggested watching it and possibly doing a blood coagulation test prior to her spay surgery after she goes through the false pregnancy. He also asked questions about her heat cycle and if the bleeding was normal. 

So I took her to my holistic vet to get a second opinion. (see I am neurotic) She agreed with the vet so I feel better. She mentioned the possibility of Von Willerbrand syndrome but after my research I don't think that is the case. She said Georgia appears very healthy other than this.

So at this point it is just wait and watch.

Any information or experience is welcome.


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This sounds like something a breeder might be familiar with. I hope some of them will chime in. 

I am a bit confused. . Did the vet just look at her or did he actually make an incision. At any rate I would think hormonal changes made her various tissues, beast,vulva engorged and that's why the idea of bleeding came up. But why your holistic vet came up with Von Willebrands's, a type of coagulopathy, I don't know. Georgia has no history of bleeding as far as I know. And most good breeders test parents for this disorder.

The vet did not cut. She did have strong streaks and spots of scarlet red areas in addition to the normal blue bruising. None of it seemed to bother her.

I do think the Von Willebrand's was a stretch and she wasn't saying it for sure.

She is looking a little better in that area for the last few days, so maybe everything will be fine. She is about 5 weeks post heat.

I am so sorry for poor Georgie (and YOU), but hope everything settles down soon and she can get spayed safely.



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