Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I eat breath and sleep doodles, day in and day out.  They quite literally are my life.  Apparently I have really gone over the edge, because now I see them in the sky.  If I didn't have a picture I snapped with my cell phone to prove it, you would all think I was hallucinating....or high.  This picture is not altered at all, it's exactly what I saw yesterday.  Please tell me you see the doodle in the sky too!  If not, I'll be checking myself into the nearest facility.  .....perhaps I should anyway. :)


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I don't see a doodle actually.. I see:

He even has a big doodle nose!

I see it!!! You are spared a check in.

LOL...I see a Poodle :)

He could be a poodle too....I think the big nose makes him a doodle. :O)

definitely a doodle!

I see it--but I also wouldn't be surprised if we as a group on DK had a collective hallucination--in other words, don't ask the other inmates at the asylum if they think you're crazy ;)

LOL! I think we are all a little crazy!!! I definitely see it!

LOL, so true!!

And go figure, it a big ole WHITE doodle!  lol

Must be an English Cream Goldendoodle with a bit of a poodle cut.

I don't believe it, but I see it Too!



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