Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Started this discussion. Last reply by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie Jan 14, 2019. 6 Replies 0 Favorites
What on earth is going on around here? We have at least 50 "new members" that do not have a profile photo. Is there a problem posting photos? At first I thought maybe they were all spammers since we…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern Nov 29, 2018. 1 Reply 0 Favorites
Who wants to see cute little Doodlebugs in their mailbox the whole month of December??! Thats what you get when you sign up to be part of the Holiday Card Exchange group. November 30 (tomorrow) is…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by DJ & Chance Nov 4, 2018. 56 Replies 0 Favorites
Lets see some of those costumes. I know we have some creative people here!Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle Dec 13, 2017. 39 Replies 5 Favorites
Whether you know it or not, we have all suffered a HUGE loss here on Doodle Kisses! On November 18, we lost Jackdoodle to bloat, a senseless problem that is unexplainable.Here on DK we have become…Continue
Lori, Daphne, Lucy & Pippa has not received any gifts yet
Thanks for your comment. Yes, Lola is a really beautiful dog. Her coloring is copper and she really has so many different colors that you can really see when the sun comes out. She barely shed until she was about a year, and then she really started. Thankfully, she doesn't shed all over the house, but she is like a dry Christmas tree when you touch her, it just all falls off all over.
Her personality is really coming through also, she is the most affectionate dog I have ever seen. So much so, that she still pees on anyone who touches her outside of the family!
Pippa has the most gorgeous look with all those feathers. People rarely ask about Ned or even Charlie when we are out but they always ask about Clancy— the one with the least pedigree! :-)
You had such a reputable breeder! I also know that you specifically chose Pippa and her open-faced look. You knew what you wanted and your breeder was wonderful to help you find that. I'd take Hank (the one that looks exactly like my first Springer, Lily), if I had had that option - shedding or not. I feel badly for those people who have been tricked by a disreputable breeder about the dog's adult look and also charged the same price as if it was going to look like a teddy bear. So many don't get loved like they should because the owners are so disappointed (makes me angry). When Skip and I see flat-coated doodles in shelters we refer them to other rescues == can't really do much more because our 'clientele' wants those teddy bears or they'd be looking at lab or golden rescues. We can't get the right people to see them.
Perhaps closing the prayer discussion with an edit directing people to yours? What do you think?
Thanks for all the wonderful info. We bring our new baby home from the breeders next weekend.
I would love to visit but I can't make it tomorrow. I have joined the meet-up group so hopefully we can make the next one.
Yeah, thank you. Not everyone sees the beauty in our adorable pups, well at least mine! You've been my hero the last few years and I prayed my day would come, I can die a happy dog mom now! Lol
I think it's really special to be able to have mother and daughter together. I'm not sure they always think so though! Katie and Ava look so different - when I tell them that Ava is Katie's mom they're like, wait, what? Hugs to your beautiful girls!
Posted on August 19, 2015 at 7:10pm 21 Comments 4 Favorites
We went to our favorite beach last night. We got lucky and it was low tide which means they didn't have to run around the rocks. Lots of room to run and play. Sorry, some of the pics are dark. It was evening and there was a storm blowing in.…
ContinuePosted on July 7, 2015 at 7:30pm 29 Comments 0 Favorites
With all the excitement of the holiday, fireworks and family birthdays being celebrated, I never got around to posting photos for Pippa. Pippa's very 1st birthday was Sat, Jun 27.
I remember when I first saw her picture while just randomly looking at Doodle puppy pictures. She reminded me so much of a tiny English Golden Retriever. We had a beautiful Golden retriever for 13 years and Chloe was the best dog I ever had. We lost her to bone cancer and though I knew I would never be…
ContinuePosted on March 9, 2014 at 8:03pm 34 Comments 2 Favorites
Fortunately March is a long month. Perhaps thats the reason for so many Doodle birthdays?? At any rate, we have cause for celebration in March along with several of our Doodle friends. And as Jarka already mentioned, there are a few on the same date. Daphne is now a big 2 year old and Lucy just turned 5.
Daphne & Lucy are Mother & daughter and their birthdays fall so close to each other (March 1 & 6) we decided to celebrate them together on one day. Now I know there are…
ContinuePosted on January 28, 2014 at 5:30pm 3 Comments 5 Favorites
I thought I would re-post this as a blog since it rolled off the discussion page so quickly.
Many of you know Jennifer of Jennifer & Jack. You may or may not know that she has many medical issues due to her Cystic Fibrosis. She will be having surgery again soon and I can imagine that her medical bills are mounting! Jennifer never asks for our help although Im sure that she could definitely use any help offered to her. She just keeps right on going. She has the best…
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