Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Looking for any suggestions/opinions. I have begun research on the 3 types of dogs and am having a hard time deciding what's best for my family. Anyone have any comments on which type is better? Thanks!
Most terrier breeds, including Wheatens, are fairly stubborn dogs, so a LOT of breeds are easier to live with in terms of training. Poodles are much less stubborn and willing to cooperate, although the toys are less so than the miniatures or the standards as a rule.
I also have heard many times that the Poodle is the second smartest dog in the line. Border Collie I think is the first????
Yes, but "smart" in dogs has its downside as well as its upside. "Smart" dogs test you all the time, and they can figure out how to do what they want to do instead of what you want them to do, lol.
Ha Ha...I know what you mean. GracieDoodle is very smart and keeps us on our toes. But she is such a good girl and well behaved and trained. She has a crazy sense of humor that makes us laugh all the time. And her word recognition or vocabulary is amazing. She really doesn't push us or get out of hand. Early constant training, love and affection have paid off! lol
I couldn't agree more. Cubbie is my smart one and oh can he push my buttons but Ollie is my goofy dumb doodle and he is so much easier to deal with because with him, what you see is pretty much what you get. With Cubbie he is always up to something (not always something bad but up to something).
Cute dog! How big is Peri? Would you get a Golden again?
Peri is a mini goldendoodle - she is 25 pounds and of course I would get her again! I had a golden retriever growing up when I was very little and that was what I was referring to as far as shedding. Peri does shed, but a LOT less than our golden retriever did.
Look at this blog that was just posted!
Sorry, couldn't resist the temptation to just give an easy, one-word answer. LOL
Anyhow, I love my labradoodle, who has a fine, soft coat that mats and tangles easily but doesn't shed. More grooming than I expected. Also, smarter, funnier, more easily trained that I dreamed possible. I did get him from a good breeder of multigen labradoodles, so he was well-socialized and tested before I got him, and the breeder was able to predict pretty accurately the coat type and size of the puppies.
Is yours a Labradoodle or Australian Labradoodle? And I am still trying to figure out exactly what the difference is. It's my understanding that the ALD have some other mixes bred into them??? My friend has a chocolate ALB who does not shed at all....she went thru a very good breeder across the states to get him.
Well, uh, Lisa--maybe an American Australian Labradoodle? LOL His dad is from Australia, his mom from America. There are no known breeds other than poodle and lab in his ancestry. There seems to be a lot of controversy over the name labradoodle, and frankly I'm not sure there's much point to all the nit-picking. Aside from big bucks, I suppose, if someone manages to have their particular set of dogs patented or something. :).
Lisa, I have two sons and two Goldendoodles. My husband is the only one in my family with allergies. He has NO problem with either of my Goldendoodles, but we first went to go look at a litter of Labradoodles and it hit him immediately!!! In the process of educating ourselves with both, We just Fell in LOVE with the Goldendoodles. They are BOTH excellent with my boys. I am also a stay at home mom and training was Not an issue. I also agree with the advice of meeting your breeder. We met both parents of my female Goldendoodle. You will know if it is right. Some breeders that I spoke to over the phone, I knew were NOT for us. Trust your intuition....GOOD LUCK~
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