Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We are on vacation right now and took Seamus to the beach yesterday. He loved running on the sand and getting his paws wet in the clear water.  This morning he had diarrhea and I remember reading on NantucketDogwalk about how some dogs get Beach Diarrhea as a result of salt water ingestion.

I gave him boiled sweet potato and boiled chicken for breakfast.  My question is, should I contact a local vet or wait a while. He doesn't have any other symptoms right now beside the diarrhea. Anyone else have this problem during the summer?  Thanks for any advice! xx


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It should help. :) 

Karen and Doodle mums- thanks for all the advice.  Seamus is doing much better today! xx

Yay! Glad to hear it! 

Me too.
We spent a summer at the beach when Murphy was about a year old and besides the chronic ear infections from rubbing his ears in the sand after every swim, he also "gifted" me with occasional diarrhea from salt water ingestion. We went through a lot of pumpkin that summer!

Thank you - we are going to the ocean and I thought I was prepared but I have to buy canned pumpkin "just in case"!!!!

always good to have canned pumpkin and i found it on amazon!!!



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