Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We go to the beach pretty much every weekend in the summer and I am just wondering- how do you deal with the bathing/grooming factor??

We took Daisy for her first full beach-day on Sunday and she LOVED it..she was running around with other dogs, running in the water, rolling in sand, etc but she was FILTHY when we left.

Am I going to have to bathe her every single week during summer time?

Or is she okay to just dry with the saltwater on her and be combed/brushed?

I didn't give her a bath I just let her air dry and combed her out but she still seems kind of dirty!!

Thanks in advance!

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We're at the beach constantly with Enzo. At least once a week if not more. She usually does get bathed when we get home. My biggest thing is sand fleas. Plus, she'll find the occasional pelican poop or dead fish she is lured into rolling in.

I wouldn't leave the saltwater on her skin and coat. It could be very drying. 

I was worried about that too but wasn't sure, I probably need to give her a bath today when I get home.

I looked at it this way, if I wouldn't leave it in my hair or on my skin, I wouldn't leave it on theirs. At least a fresh water rinse before leaving the beach or once home. How do you feel after a beach day or pool swim?
I have no problem washing my dogs several times a week if they need it with swimming. A non soap or mild dog shampoo is going to be better for their skin and hair than the salt or chlorine anyday.
If they get dry from the shampooing, you can always add conditioning. But then they are probably getting more dry from the salt or chlorine anyway... Good luck with all that. LOL

I bring Wally and Charlotte into our outdoor shower and use shampoo and conditioner every single time we come back from the beach. I make sure, though, that they do not have any tangles or knots in their coats before we head to the beach, as I don't want matts to tighten up from all of the water.

I have a hose with a shower attachment and I hose Sadie down very thoroughly when we get home from the beach, making especially sure to get all of the sand off of her. I haven't been shampooing her regularly, but the last time I took her to the groomer they told me her hair and skin were in great shape. So for us, at least, the thorough rinsing seems to be doing the trick. I agree that getting the saltwater off is the most important thing.

I also clean her ears every time we come home because she had a bad ear infection some months back and the vet recommended it.

We don't live anywhere near the beach and I bathe Sawyer once a week. He gets dirty outside! :-)

We do not go to the beach that often, but when we do, we are usually camping and they might go several times during that trip.   I spray them with Horse Mane 'N Tail Detangler BEFORE we go to the beach so that most stuff is kind of repelled.  If available, we rinse off, but I have noticed that if I let the dogs air dry, most of the sand falls off.  Are they dirty - most likely. We get our dogs professionally groomed every 4 to 6 weeks. I would gladly wash our Springer any time, but our doodles - not so much, especially not Ned.

We were shampooing the doodles after every beach trip (several times a week). They developed some skin issues. The guy at the boutique pet store told us not to use shampoo more than once a week. We rinse them thoroughly after a trip to the beach and bathe them only once a week at most. If there is pelican poop on your dog can you just wash that part with shampoo? I found that if they are left outside to dry, and then I blow them off with a dog hair dryer, the sand stays outside. I had a horrible time because I was bringing them inside damp and the sand just stuck the their coats and my floors. As soon as they are dry, it falls right off. 

I have to bathe Bogey after the beach...he's so dirty. I do it outside with the hose, wet him down, lather him up and rinse him off. He's lap dog and I couldn't stand him if I didn't do this. I'm also sure the salt water can't be good for him.



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