Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

By now several of you know that Beemer has been diagnosed with severe hip dysphasia.  Our little guy had surgery on his left hip this past Wednesday and came home on Thursday.  He is doing very well.  If all goes well, his right hip will be done
in 4 weeks….total recovery should be approximately 4 months.  His prognosis is wonderful….90 to 95%
mobility….Beemer is 13 months old….what a great, pain free life he is going to
have.  On a lighter note…Beemer has asked
that I type his perspective on all of this….so here goes:


Beemer here… have been uncomfortable for a while…but I didn’t want to worry my folks.  I am not one to complain, but around Christmas I was limping pretty bad…so off to the
vet…Because I wasn’t talking to the vet either, she though an anti-inflammatory
drug was in order…I took those for 12 days and I felt better but the limp was
still there….now back to the vet.  They
shaved my leg (I now look like I am wearing 1 UGG boot)…knocked me out,,,took
x-rays and yep, you guessed it…the vet was not happy with what she saw….so off
to the orthopedic specialist.  I though
he was a real nice guy until my mom started to cry and my dad just looked so
sad…..Hip Dysphasia!


Now if all you fans remember, for Halloween, I was a “Chippendoodle” dancer.  So as you can guess, my hips are my lively hood!....So repaired they must be. 
Like my mom stated above…I had the surgery on Wednesday.  I am not absolutely sure what happened, but now
my front legs look like I am wearing 2 UGG boots and my left leg and buttocks
are very bare!...I am al little embarre-assed right now…but my mom is going to
make me some pants….I got real good treatment…and got very attached to a tech
named Deana…love ya babe!  I digress,
they sent me home with some “Doggy Vicodin” so I am feeling great….I can walk
with the aid of a sling…but no playing…Comiskey’s not happy!  I will get the stitches out in 2 weeks…wow,
what a scar…..Then two weeks after that, we will do it all over again….I will
keep you all posted….love to all, Beemer





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((((((gentle hugs))))))) to Beemer and so glad the prognosis is a good one!
Beemer, Jackdoodle and I are sending you big doodle hugs & kisses, and we are wishing you a perfect speedy recovery! You are one brave, sweet little guy who deserves the best! Hugs to your mom, dad, & Comiskey, too!
Get well soon Beemer. Sorry you had to go through all this at such a young age.
Stay strong Beemer! Hope all goes well!
Ah, Beemer. You have such a good outlook on this! You know your Mom loves you so much that she had to make that hard decision to have the docs fix you up so you can spend many, many years running around with Comiskey without having any pain!
The girls and I are rooting for you and a quick recovery!
A,S & C
Gus and Lilly asked me to send their get well soon wishes. Take care of yourself. You'll be up and running arund sooner than you think.
Hi Beemer....Guinness here. My Mom read this to me, and I'm really bumming that all this has happened to you (except I like the idea of Deana and Doggy drugs). My Mom didn't want me to say that, but she's letting me get away with it since this is a "get well message" for you. If you look like you're wearing 2 UGG boots that's pretty cool...they are very cool you know, but not when you're only wearing one. I feel really bad that you can't play with Comiskey right now. I'm sure he misses Doodling around with you, but soon enough you'll be as good as new and having a blast with him again. I'll be thinking of you, buddy, and hoping that your better than ever real soon. Tell you Mom thanks for letting us know how you're doing.
Well wishes Beemer! We are so glad all went well ! Take care and relax. Pat and Tucker
Hi Beemer ..... Lucy and Sophie wanted me to tell you that they now make UGGS in all sorts of wonderful colors like PINK and PURPLE so I had to explain to them that you are a boy and boys don't wear PINK UGGS so they said to just let you know that in your honor they are going to be very very good and do no zoomies for the whole time you are recovering! Be a good boy and listen to your mom so your recovery will be 100%! We will be thinking about you. Doodle Hugs and Kisses to you and your mom and dad and Comiskey too!
Get well soon Beemer. You'll be running, jumping and playing again before you know it.
Oh My Goodness Penny. I had no idea. Hope he's up and about soon. Get Well soon Beemer :)
Hey Beem Man, don't worry, the doctor will fix u up and you will be better than before! You are a brave friend and i hope everything goes easy for you and you will soon be dancin your as$%&*( off again soon. Your doodle friend, Thomas. Oh and BTW, my mom sends hugs and thoughts to you, your mom and dad and of course Comiskey.



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