Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Started this discussion. Last reply by Christine & Camus Nov 14, 2011. 18 Replies 0 Favorites
Started this discussion. Last reply by Debbie and Thomas Mar 6, 2011. 23 Replies 0 Favorites
Started this discussion. Last reply by Stella Feb 12, 2011. 43 Replies 0 Favorites
Debbie and Thomas has not received any gifts yet
Posted on October 30, 2010 at 8:33pm 21 Comments 0 Favorites
My next door neighbours little lab mix dog died in his sleep last night at the age of 13. My neighbour was driving along a highway near Detroit approx. 13 yrs ago when the people in the car in front of him threw a puppy our the window. Ed swerved to miss the flying object and pulled over to investigate. To his shock it was a puppy!! Ed picked him up and took him to an animal hospital and was told the puppy was barely alive and needed extensive surgery...Ed told them to do whatever…
ContinuePosted on April 16, 2009 at 7:46pm 11 Comments 1 Favorite
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Hi Debbie,
So nice to get your message. My frenchies are older than your boy and go back and forth between really enjoying Zach and merely tolerating him. For the most part i allow them to work it out. My littlest is only 16lbs but quite fierce and she can let Zach know that she has had enough and he backs off. She leaps up and gives him an air snap. It is actually quite funny since even with the leap she barely makes it to his chest - but she makes the point - "you are a pest - I don't want to play anymore." He plays most aggressively with Bruno - my male - who for most part really enjoys a good game of chase or wrestle, but will also give him a charge and an air snap when he has had enough. Gracie, my brindle is mute and she has more problems playing with him since she can't set boundaries. Sometimes she will come to me to get away from him and I will put a stop to the play, other times, I can see that he is just getting to be too much for her and I will separate them. I am sure when he is older and calmer it will be great between all of them, there is never fighting, just sometimes too much exuberance for the older frenchies, who like a time out or are not keen on a dog three times their size putting their head in his mouth. But getting through puppy hood is a challenge. In all honesty, it has been much better since he lost his puppy teeth. I was concerned for them, when he was constantly mouthing on them with those razor sharp teeth, they all had little scabs on them, and it seemed that they were just taking too much abuse from him, although they did not seem to mind, and he was much smaller then so they played more easily with him.
I have a dog room where they stay when I am gone. The frenchies are loose in the room and I had Zach's crate in the room. Gracie started refusing to go into the room, so one day I stole back into the house to find out what goes and he whines, so I had to take the crate out of their room so they could have peace during the day. So, Zach's crate is now in the dining room. On the other hand, at night they all sleep in bed with me, and Gracie and Zoey sleep cuddled up next to him. Bruno is my velcro dog and sleeps attached to me.
Good luck with Thomas and Wilfred!!
I heard about the bird situation. Very disturbing! Must have felt like your world was upside down. So the question is then, what of the fish that people caught and ate? It would seem to me that they would be contaminated too. Did any people get sick? I say one mallard on Thanksgiving weekend floating upside down near our boat launch, which seemed a bit strange. I wonder if it was one of the infected birds. Just a very weird and concerning situation for sure.
We are just waiting to hear from our trainer who will be conducting a therapy dog class and subsequent certification at the end. Gav seems mature enough now that I think he is ready. He has been fantastic out and about and meeting lots of new people. Hoping to get going on some volunteer work with him. My husband retires this spring and with my p/t work with the school board and the college we will be able to spend all summer at the cottage from hear on in. This will be great as you know. Anyways good to hear from you. Give Thomas a squeeze from us :)
Hey, welcome back! What have you been up to? We just closed up the cottage last weekend so I feel a bit sad, but it was time. The trip up and down the highway every weekend tends to get a bit old this time of year. I did score a part time job at the college, beginning in January, which was just what I was hoping for. We are going to Vegas for our anniversary trip next week, so life is good! How is Thomas doing?
I too have spent a great deal of time on Georgian Bay (near Lion's Head) this summer. My angency division closed and the job offered to me was a big pay cut and NOT what I wanted to do, so I took a package. I have applied for some part time stuff at the college, but have generally just been enjoying the summer. Gav is doing great *touch wood. They finally figured that he has a long time, low grade kidney infection that was flaring up. We did 5 weeks of antibiotics and many tests and all seem to be clear now. Glad to hear Thomas has turned out so well. He sounds just like Gavin. I couldn't ask for better. Everyone in our cottage community loves him and he is welcome to come whenever we visit neighbours. So, enjoy the rest of your summer and make sure to check in from time to time ;)
Hey Debbie, what have you been up to? Have not seen you on the board in a while.
Hi Debbie! Just a quick update re: grooming. I called Paws Applause and was able to get Yuki an appointment! I did mention your name and Thomas's so that maybe what got us in. ;) They did a great job with her and her coat is so soft now...she feels like a lamb! We're really happy with the cut and I know Yuki feels so much better now. Thanks again for the referral! We'll definitely be going back :)
Just wondering if you found a groomer that you're happy with...I've lost the courage to groom Yuki myself and I really don't want to take her back to the other place we mentioned last time. Any input is appreciated! Thanks! :)
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