Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Help needed!  My 2 goldendoodles have been in and out in the snow all day.  They love the snow but they are in misery when they come in -- just covered with ice/snow balls -- all over their paws, legs, bellies.  We try, but we cannot get them off.  For a while, they cannot even sit or lie down.  Then they melt and they leave puddles all over the house.  By the time they are dry, they want to go out again!  Anyone have any tips?  

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I just let Wilson lay on the floor with a blanket and let him melt I tried a warm tub of water He does not like it at all so If you can't beat em' join em' I think But He is a lot of fun to watch in the snow my DH and I just laugh !!!!

Love your doodle
I have boots for my Doodle (Dude) if hes just going out in the yard for five, I wipe his paw in vasleine, but if going out walking or for longer the boots go on, as they also protect against salt on the roads or walkways. see photo
So, you put the vaseline on the bottoms? Or all over? And that prevents ice balls? But doesn't get everything greasy when you come back in? Interesting. . . .

CUTE butes! Are these the rain boots sold on some sites? I can't imagine my dogs not tearing them off. How does Dude tolerate them?

In the blizzard we just had --28 inches -- they would be of limited usefulness -- as their ice balls were everywhere. But, I can see how in a normal snow, on a walk, they would work -- IF the dogs would wear them!!
Day 2 of 2 doodles and 2 feet of snow. Update: House very wet. Doodles very wet.
Yes, that is exactly what I am resigned to. Doodles and house: BIG MESS.
Hmm, in Atlanta we have had nothing but rain, rain and more rain. We are dealing with mud caked on paws and bellies and lots of muddy paw prints across the wood floors.
We put an old comforter down in the den and tell them to lay on it. The snowballs melt :) Kirby will eat some of them off his feet.
We put towels down on the floor and give them a bully stick or something to chew on to keep them in one place. I just let it all melt off while they are chewing away. My F1 has a starighter coat and dries off within minutes, the multi-gen takes hours before he is finally dry!!



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