Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Well,the 13th is almost here.
 I imagine all the packing, and preparations for our friends, who are going on the doodle cruise are done, or being finalized.
I wish I could be with you all. I'm sure there will be much laughter, silliness, and just plain fun. Some of you have already met, and for some it will be the first time. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy !
Have a Margarita, (or some wine for me),
and make a toast to Adina,
and all the friendships she has helped to forge on her DK site !
Take a lot of pictures to post.
However, try to keep Laurie and her orange bikini out of them.
Well at least most of them.
Bon Voyage !

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I got my DH by tossing coins in a wishing well ... just sayin!

Bon Voyage, Doodle Cruisers! Have a wonderful time, take lots of photos, and bring me some presents! 

Bon Voyage, safe travels...and we at home will be awaiting lots of pictures...ENJOY & CHEERS!

I hope you all have a wonderful time!  Whenever I think about you all going on your cruise I always think of Miss Sophie as she got sick while you guys were on your cruise.  I was already sad that I hadn't gone on the cruise but when she got sick I was so happy I hadn't gone.  Now as you all begin your journey this year on the 13th, Miss AnnaBelle turns 7 months old.  How things have changed.   We will miss all of your here this week but will anxiously await the photos and stories when you return!  Have a cold one for me!

Have two magaritas, one for me. What a nice send off Sheila. I may need some fortification myself, it will be so quiet on DK. Have a fabulous time, bring lots of sunscreen and Laurie, pack light : )

Quiet on DK? No way, we are going to be having our Second Annual Virtual Cruise! Remember how much fun we had?

Oh Karen,
extra sparkles for you

My idea, Camilla's Photoshop skills. LOL 

I love this.  Amazing.

Y'all have a wonderful time :)

Karen and Camilla this is amazing!  Looks like a great group of ladies for the cruise:)

He he, good memories!

Oh Ladies....didn't we have a blast!!!!



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