Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I don't know if anyone has ever suggested this before but I'm just wondering since people aren't allowed to advertise puppies or breeders on the main forum, why are members allowed to come on here to advertise their adult doodles? It's particularly irritating when it's a new member who only joined for this purpose and will be gone as soon as they find someone to give their dog to.
I think there should be a group for "owner rehomes" so people looking to dump their dogs can go there to make all their silly excuses and the rest of us don't have to see it and be saddened by it. And people looking to adopt adult doodles can go there and sift through the 'advertisements". All of these posts about rehoming supposedly perfect dogs makes DK a very sad place to come to sometimes. I came here to see pictures of cute doodles to liven up my crazy day at work, and instead I see another completely ridiculous rehoming post that leaves me sad and angry. I'm starting to feel like coming to DK is like gambling with my happiness, one day all is good, the next day, sadness and frustration.
I really don't know how other members, particularly those who have been here a long time, have managed to deal with this for so long, but I'm asking nicely could we please find a way to stop all this rehomeing nonsense on the main forum and let's get DK back to being the happy place it was when I first joined. pretty please? :)
Not all of course.
Thanks for clarifying that F! I didn't want our special day to be ruined!
Never, I shall treasure it : )
Jane's association has a 50# limit, too; Thank Dog her DH is on the board, because Big Murph is about 65, lol.
Our condo association is really ignoring that whole weight limit. It seems now to be all about how well behaved the dog is. That's why until just over the past few weeks we never walked Murph here. We took him right out back to potty but always put him in the car and drove him somewhere to walk him. If anyone had seen some of his really serious dog (or people) reactions we would have had a huge issue. While we were doing all the training we never gave Murph an opportunity to "get in trouble" on his home turf. Seriously, that would have resulted in a situation I don't even want to contemplate.
I guess that my earlier post was chock full of quick judgement, but I simply find it difficult to react with calm compassion when I find the idea dog-dumping to be so despicable. I, for one, would vote for a separate group devoted solely to rehoming. That's my two cents - for what it's worth.
Thanks for your support Laurie! lol, but I think we're in the minority :)
I think a link for those wanting to re-home a dog would be a great - get them the info on DRC or IDOG. It is almost 100% true - unless in the Puppy Maddness Group, that these people have already made their minds up. Holding their hands, being sweet, offering suggestions, getting ugly - is NOT what they want. They want the dog gone period. 99.9% of them aren't telling the truth or the whole truth. Sweetest dog (but hates children, cats and other dogs), well behaved (unless you turn your back and then he'll eat the sofa), needs a liquid diet (and a feeding chair for life). It goes on and on.
I am going to pray for Wally that they find some really loving, kind person to take this dog - please don't tell my Dad or he'd be taking a road trip.
Does DRC attempt to help the dog owner KEEP the dog ever? I ask because I remember reading or talking to someone at IDOG and it sounded like they do address ways the owner might be able to keep the dog, if that seems possible. So I'm guessing that DRC would do that too. Because then, it is still in the best interest of all parties for the individuals to be directed to DRC and IDOG rather than us trying to help them figure things out. Then at least it's not in a forum, but in a conversation over the phone or in person or however it is done.
Sherri, in your draft you're writing. Work in something that tells the person "we would love to see every dog keep its original home. if there's any part of you that thinks, maybe, just maybe, you can make this work, you're welcome to post and ask for suggestions in our discussion forum or some of the following groups." or something like that.
Finally, regarding this latest post that was closed, everyone is talking like it's the poster who was rehoming her own dog, but wasn't she trying to help her parents find a home for this dog? I, for one, am not a rep of my parents. My parents' view of dogs and such is not the same as my own and we don't dictate to the other how we should live, care for dogs, or anything like that. She might have already tried a number of suggestions to help her parents keep the dog. Whatever info was missing or not, her parents were done. But this wasn't her fault. I'd hate to be judged by whether my family members had/didn't have/wanted/didn't want/kept/didn't keep their dogs. I did send her a private message with info on IDOG and DRC.
Agreed. It isn't her dog and she probably knows she can't change what they have decided. She is just looking to save the dog from the pound.
Adina, I missed the Wally discussion, but he is listed with Oodles of Doodles Rehome Service.
His owner contacted us a few weeks ago and originally also had him listed on Craigslist. We discussed the horrors of that and she agreed to take him off CL. I also discussed hot wiring or electric fencing around the fence itself. He will be a hard dog to place no matter what anyone thinks of rehoming. He is 8, black and not very doodley.
Before anyone jumps on me, our Rehome Service has successfully placed almost 80 dogs since we started it in 2011. Most people who contact us are at their wits end because of many various reasons. From biting to moved/moving, people are looking for solutions. We try to offer a solution that is safe for the dog(s). On several occasions we have taken the dog into our rescue program or referred to Idog, who has taken him. We have paid for vetting to have spayed/neutered and shots up to date. We have talked many people into keeping their dog(s) and making it work. As with Wally, electrifying the fence and working with him, could solve the problem. But getting mad or all emotional at them will not help the dog. Which should be the goal.
As one of those members who has been around for a while I have learned how to deal with these posts the same way that I handle so many other injustices that I see every day. I sponsor a few children in third world countries. I don't think about why they're in the situation they're in, I just know that through no fault of their own they need help. My daughter teaches Kindergarten in an inner city school where the kids come from dire poverty and some horrific living situations. I try to help her out with supplies and food (breakfast) for these kids. If I really thought too much about why their lives were what they are and got angry at the parents who are often too hung-over to even give their kids breakfast or pack their lunches, I would be useless. When I see one of these posts about Doodles being rehomed I can't focus on "why" because then all my energy would be negative and I would lose any power to try to really help the dog. So to me it's about steering them to IDog or DRC and then doing what I can to continue to support these two organizations that truly do make a difference. Sherri, I get your outrage and frustration, but the sad fact is that won't do anything to help these unfortunate Doodles and moving these situations to another page so we don't have to see the posts won't be as likely to provide the help that they need.
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