Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My 11 month old doodle, Harvey gets really bad car sickness. He just throws up whenever he gets in the car. We've tried letting him sit upfront, making sure he doesn't eat before we drive and opening the windows. But nothing works. Does anyone have any ideas? We like to take him places, but this is just getting out of control. Help!

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Tori used to throw up in the car. That stopped BUT... now she POOPS! YUCK! I'd rather the throw-up! I am sure it's really her nerves. She LOVES the car.. can't wait to get in it, but can't take the 10 minute ride to the groomer - partially MY fault... I really need to dedicate the time to just putting her in the car for short trips around the block, and then back home and straight in the backyard to play so she doesn't associate the car ride with grooming. We got her a Thundershirt, which is supposed to help, but.. not really. BUT if you google "Thundershirt" there is a short video training that they show on how to get the dog used to the car.... at least I think I saw it on there... baby steps. Just take him outside and play or walk around the outside of the car, then just sit in the car - doors open, next time doors closed in the driveway, then up and down the driveway,around the block, etc. If it is truly a "motion sickness" you can speak to the vet about meds. ( I've tried keeping a treat on the dashboard to keep her focussed forward - nah.... music... nah, in the crate and out ... nope... ) The thought of her pooping and getting it all over my car and her (and yes - I put down a vinyl throw-away cloth) keeps me from taking her out.....I get myself so worked up worrying she will poop, that I may do so myself - LOL I am sure many will respond with more helpful hints!
Thanks Shelly. That's a lot of good information. I'll probably have to talk to the vet about it. We spent a long time trying to get him used to the car for a long time. Just short trips like you said. But if the car ride is over, like, 5 minutes he just vomits everywhere. It's disgusting for long car rides! That's awful Tori poops in the car! Sorry! Thanks for the advice and good luck with Tori!
We also had this problem with Guinness. We solved it by taking him on lots of really short trips (that were fun), and our Vet prescribed a non-drowsy medication that we gave him for any longer trips. It worked, and now he loves to go in the car and doesn't even need the meds anymore. Good luck...and I would definitely talk to the Vet.
This is a good post as our puppy Bella has been vomiting and peeing in the car since we p icked her up at the airport 2 months ago. I was hoping she'd grow out of it and didn;t even think about motion sickness meds for dogs. I would think she'd feel better, besides I'd have less to clean up each time. We were always so grateful that Murphy was never car sick as he traveled in a crate in a RV with us for his first year. I will keep doing the short car rides. Late in the day tho, long after lunch and before her dinner. Luckily we don't travel in the RV anymore!
I had a dog who got car sick as a pup but he did grow out of it.
OMD. This was one of our biggest fears. We travel 3.5 hours each way to our cottage every weekend during the summer. When we picked out Gavin, that was one of the questions to the breeder - "Do you think he will get car sick?" The breeder had just taken the puppies for a vet check 20 minutes away and said that Gavin did fine. The day after we got him, it was into the car in plastic crate for the trip north. He did great and he has ever since. Thank goodness! Hopefully you can get this solved as it would be sad if he misses out on different outings due to his issue. Good luck.
Wow thundershirt sounds like a miracle for my drooling puking pup...anyone else use it? maybe I'll start a new thread...
Seems like an interesting concept. Never heard of it before.
There is a big discussion about Thunder Shirts in the Anxiety Group. Different Styles, the best ones to purchase, and.............. some other ideas. There is a discussion about Car Sickness and some alternatives also.
Thanks, I just joined that group last week and haven't had time to search car sickness yet, so I will check it out.
Thanks !!!



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