Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Today DH and I went to town for some shopping and antiquing. I was feeling a little guilty for leaving Haley all day so we went in Petsmart to get something to give him when we got home. Got one of those large ChuckIt balls (about 7.5 inches in diameter). Anyway, Haley LOVED the ball but after 10 to 15 minutes he managed to get one of his lower canine teeth stuck in the canvas cover with his mouth wide open and no room to get unstuck. I was unable to push the ball away from Haley's lower tooth. Fortunately DH was home and finally got Haley and the ball apart. Haley will not be playing with this ball anymore. Just to a caution to anyone who has one of these balls or is thinking of buying one.

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How scary for you and I am so glad your DH was home to save the day!  Thank you for the warning.


How scary! that's really too bad as it looks like such a cool ball.

Wow!  How scary for you and your DH! I can never remain calm when things like that happen.  I would be letting the company know to.  I had looked at it a few times but just hadn't bought on yet.  Hunter will chew anything apart she has the chance to so I tend to be overly cautious.  Kong's have been about the only thing that we have kept in once piece.

Bailey loves her ball.  I will definately supervise her while she is playing with it...  Thanks for the warning..

That has become Bo's favorite ball. I'll have to keep an eye on him when he is playing with it.

Great pictures of Spud and Bailey!  Thanks for the "heads up!"  It looks like a fun toy!  I'm glad you were able to pry poor Haley from the ball!  How sad!  I would have freaked out!



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