Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Started this discussion. Last reply by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie Dec 31, 2017. 4 Replies 0 Favorites
It's probably about time for me to get back to DoodleKisses! I have been MIA for about 3 years…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Nancy and Georgia Brown Mar 6, 2015. 72 Replies 0 Favorites
I haven't been on DK for a while because I've been so busy with my boys & my doodles and life in general. Bexter has been sick for about a week. We just got the news that talks of chemotherapy …Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle Jun 23, 2013. 6 Replies 0 Favorites
I have a question. My brother and his wife have rescued a half sheltie/half border collie. I am concerned for a few reasons. He kept going on and on about how smart the dog will probably be. I…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Bonnie and Kona Jun 3, 2013. 22 Replies 0 Favorites
Well...Bexter apparently decided to snack on a sock. I have no idea how or when this happened, although I tell my husband it did not happen on my watch! Really, I am pretty sure it probably…Continue
Traci -Bexter & Maggie has not received any gifts yet
Posted on April 6, 2012 at 4:22pm 18 Comments 3 Favorites
My family and I (including Bexter and Maggie) all went hiking today at a state park. It was the 1st time we really have attempted to travel with BOTH dogs at once! It went just great! The kids, dogs, and my DH & I had a great time. The weather was absolutely perfect hiking weather (high was about 60 degrees). The only things I would change would be:
1. Maggie NOT throwing up in the van on the way there. Poor thing! She's really not used to traveling in the car much at…
ContinuePosted on March 25, 2012 at 12:39pm 31 Comments 5 Favorites
Well...I survived the first week of my life as a double doodle mommy! Whew! What an eventful week! I thought I'd share with you some of what I learned.
1. Before you get 2 doodles, make sure you have a king sized bed! I didn't realize how much more crowded you can get with yourself, spouse, 40 pound mini doodle, and 60 pound standard doodle!
2. Going for errands with BOTH doodles is not quite as easy. I was bound and determined to take Maggie with me for my…
ContinuePosted on July 15, 2011 at 12:42pm 26 Comments 0 Favorites
Poor Bexter! His favorite resting spot WAS the register on the office floor near me (while I am computer-socializing on DK). Yesterday, he was resting there and jumped up frantically crying out and running under my computer desk. Of course, I freaked out! I looked down and his collar tag had gotten caught between 2 of the slabs of the register cover thingy and as he freaked out & jumped up, it was still attached to his collar hanging there in front of him (almost as big as he is…
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Hi Traci!
I noticed on a post from about a year ago that you had trouble with your doodle who would start to pee as soon as she touched carpet. We're having the same problem with our F1 standard, Rhubarb, who is 12 weeks old. She is really good at holding it and signaling to go out when in the kitchen (hardwood), but as soon as she touches carpet (while on her way upstairs to sleep, or after a bath) she squats and empties. I'm just wondering how you dealt with this and if you have any suggestions :) Thanks!!
Brianna (and Rhubarb)
I'm so glad that the video inspired you to get back to running. Knee injuries can be so hard to overcome. So far mine are holding up ok. I still have some residual soreness now and again from a sprained ankle from 2 years ago. So how ironic that our two marathon times were almost identical?! I'm doing the NJ Marathon in 4 weeks and i'm hoping for 4:55. I honestly don't think i can get my time any lower but it's not about that anyway. I just love to run! Your doodles are so cute! Duncan's mom's name was Maggie too! I stayed in touch with the guardian mom for a bit but we've lost touch. I used to enjoy hearing stories of duncan when he was just a few weeks old. You'll have to let me know if you decide to run any races in your neck of the woods. I love to travel to do races far away. I did a half marathon in Little Rock AK a month ago. And I'm planning one in September in South Dakota=)
Thanks Traci for Libby's birthday wishes. I must admit I had some help on the poem from my oldest daughter:)
Hi there! Thanks! It's really not a bad deal. I've gotten just a couple of things that I've not been able to use, but not many. Those items I pass along to friends whose dogs enjoy what my doods don't. For the most part, I've been able to try some great products and I can't remember the last time I've purchased toys or treats from the pet stores. Thanks so much for reading - take care!
Hello, so sorry I don't check in! Responding to your Country Mini Doodle Post. Our pups are related :)!!!
Hi Traci, great to hear from you again. I can't believe Maggie had 13 puppies! Did you get any pictures of them? How long was she away from you? It must have been hard having her gone. How many litters will she have before she is retired from breeding and she will be home forever? Yes two doodles IMO are much easier especially when the weather is really bad. They play all day or sleep LOL. Boris came from the breeder who bred Ted who I tried to rescue and what a drama that turned out to be but all ended well for him too as he is in a new family and is doing really well. Ted wouldn't have been right for us and in retrospect a puppy was the best decision. Nobody who doesn't have and love dogs can know what emotional roller coasters we go through with our Doodles. I have to stop myself showing people pictures of my boys on my iPad when I'm working and have to come to DK for my Doodle appreciation fix LOL. Anyway do keep in touch. X
Happy Birthday -- Hope all is going well in your Two Doodle Household!
Yes, I still run. I tend to run around Sheek Rd and the neighborhoods since we live around there. I'm not running the mini, but am training for one later in the summer. Feel free to follow my blog :) Good luck Saturday!
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