We have wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. There are conflicts in the Middle East and many other places. Can we not make DoodleKisses a place where kindness and civility reign? We are all entitled here to express our opinions on many topics as long as there is no profanity, or commercialism. I would also plead that we do not personalize issues by criticizing one another, personalizing comments, or taking them personally. There really is no need to be defensive or offensive. This is basically about doodles. We can disagree without rancor, can't we? Aside from an occasional post by a doodle or someone's child we are all adults : ) I for one spend time on DK because it is informative, fun and sometimes I believe I can add something informative, supportive or even amusing. I do not want to become angry or even annoyed by people sniping at one another. If you don't like something said respond by disagreeing with the content. Ignore those posts that don't interest you. Adina has as the first guideline of DK "Be Nice". Let's abide with it. And please don't shoot this messenger!
Addendum: I believe that my intention about being kind has been heard loud and clear. Now, I think it is time to put that thought into action and focus on doodles and happy themes. So I am closing this discussion. Afterthought can be sent to me directly.
I agree and I know that I will be careful when I post from now on. Sometimes things in writing seem harsher than they are actually meant to be. That said, I thought that the groups were open to post OUR opinions. When I tried to post my opinion and then correct some erroneous info that is being advised about my recommendation, it was not well received. I am fairly new here, so I am just learning the ropes, but I learned a harsh lesson today.
I watched that happen to you this morning and my heart broke for you. I "friended" you so I could tell you things were fine, to continue with your point, but I don't think it reached you in time. Plus I wanted to tell you the staple of my dog's diet is a low value kibble, but I lump on lots of "stuff" veggies, cheese, fruit cooked chicken etc. Naturally their favorite "topping" is also the worst! Kraft Parmesian Romano container cheese. Arrrgh, but they are a long lived bunch anyhow and healthy kids...my oldest is 15 yr old Goldendoodle.
Please continue to post and be active. Don't let any one experience get you down. dK is a wonderful site overall. Just hoping we can make it even better!
I have found DK to be a great site overall. You are right! I especialy love the photos and hope to make it to one of the Doodle romps in Ohio. I will just keep my recommendations to myself from now on.
Does anyone else feel like this thread is "ganging up"? I just went downstairs to make dinner, and this is all I can think about....and I really don't like it. Let's not pretend that we don't know who is being discussed here. I really don't believe this was ever "F's" intent (as she has already stated), but it seems to be what's happening. This is a woman who has helped me through so many trying times, and I know that she has spent endless hours of her own time helping others as well. I'm feeling very disappointed right now. If anyone disagrees with ANYTHING that is said to you on this site, please stand up for your point of view. But, this "singling out" of someone who has given so much to help so many of us really bothers me. This probably won't be popular, but I'm comfortable stating how I feel.
I do not like the direction that this discussion has taken at all. It is just the kind of thing, among others that I am advocating against. I most certainly meant this post to be a message to ALL members of the site and I absolutely did not want any examples made of anyone nor did I post anything on here about any experiences of my own. If someone has an issue with an individual, work on it with the person involved directly. Let's not get into slander and innuendo here.This is just the kind of thing I would like to avoid. In fact, let's not talk about anyone but rather to someone, privately if that's appropriate.
Perhaps you are right but I hope these things can be settled among ourselves,. You could always send a private message to Adina if you think that would help.