We have wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. There are conflicts in the Middle East and many other places. Can we not make DoodleKisses a place where kindness and civility reign? We are all entitled here to express our opinions on many topics as long as there is no profanity, or commercialism. I would also plead that we do not personalize issues by criticizing one another, personalizing comments, or taking them personally. There really is no need to be defensive or offensive. This is basically about doodles. We can disagree without rancor, can't we? Aside from an occasional post by a doodle or someone's child we are all adults : ) I for one spend time on DK because it is informative, fun and sometimes I believe I can add something informative, supportive or even amusing. I do not want to become angry or even annoyed by people sniping at one another. If you don't like something said respond by disagreeing with the content. Ignore those posts that don't interest you. Adina has as the first guideline of DK "Be Nice". Let's abide with it. And please don't shoot this messenger!
Addendum: I believe that my intention about being kind has been heard loud and clear. Now, I think it is time to put that thought into action and focus on doodles and happy themes. So I am closing this discussion. Afterthought can be sent to me directly.