Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Clancy won a slo-bowl in Adina's recent doodlekisses contest. He won this very cool gray one that is designed  sort of like a maze.  He was very excited to try it out  -   of course he was  -   because this meant food and anything involving food, is a very exciting thing.

Then, Gordie just had to try it:

And even Ned, who would NEVER need a bowl to slow down his eating, wanted to give it a try. OOOH, Fun times!

 They all declared it a yummy success.

Did anyone call us for dinner? Who gets to use the slo-bowl tonight?


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Good for you Clancy, hope you enjoy your new bowl!

Glad it arrived safe and sound!  Did you happen to time Clancy and note the difference?

That's pretty cool. Interesting. Maybe I should try eating out of this bowl for weight loss.  Spud does everything fast except eat. He eats so slow, lying down, and so polite. I would be fascinated to see what he would do with this bowl.

Congratulations Clancy. You lucky dog, you

Thanks, Lonnie, Linda, Sue, and Ginny.  Clancy really is enjoying eating out of it. Adina, Boca wins speed eating over Clancy, hands down.  Our foster, Sunny, however would have given Boca a run for her money.  This bowl definitely slows him down and he seems to be enjoying it.  Joanne, Ned is a slow, laying-down eater too, but when we gave him a chance to use the slo-bowl, it seemed like he enjoyed the 'challenge' in it. He doesn't need one though.  Hmmmmm I think I should get one for me - I am on a diet and just inhale my food - not good.

LOVE the last picture! I'm glad they all love the bowl! 

Such cute photos! Congratulations!!

Thanks, Janie and Emily.  I love that last pic too and am glad I had a place to post it.

Such fun! I bought two slo-bowls this week for my guys. They are both big gobblers. I am very impressed with the slo-bowls. Not only do they slow the dogs down, they give them something really interesting to do.

Love the pictures. Clancy was very generous to share his win with his brothers :) I wonder if they make this bowl for humans. LOL

We have a  cheaper bowl to slow down eating and it doesn't do nearly as good a job as the Slo-bowl. If I hadn't done a side by side comparison I wouldn't have believed it.  I hope your guys enjoy their bowls, Bonnie.

Laurie, we need to contact the company to see if they might custom make a slo-bowl for you and I.

Nancy, The boys love their slo-bowls. One is a little harder than the other, but one of our doodles is a little smarter than the other so it seems to work out. I tried giving the opposite bowl to the dogs and one finished way faster than the other so I knew which to give to whom. We had other so-called slow feeding bowls but they were nothing like this. These bowls exercises their brains and slow down the speed they eat significantly. 

Which ones do you have, Bonnie? And which is faster?  We are thinking of ordering one for Gordie, but we haven't done so yet.



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